Future Networks, Society and Modeling - FuNeSoMo Call September 2011


Future Networks, Society and Modeling (FuNeSoMo) project is announcing an open call for applications for funding for research visits between Finland and US. This call is directed primarily to cover research exchange between Aalto University and the International Computer Science Institute ICSI Berkeley and/or University of California, Berkeley (UCB).

The call is intended to support research visits of 3-11 months starting primarily from beginning of 2012, depending on the applications. For senior applicants, also shorter research visits can be funded (minimum 2 weeks) but visit duration cannot exceed 6 months.

Although this call targets visits starting early 2012, we also welcome applications or expressions of interest for visits later in 2012 or 2013. These applications will be processed at the appropriate future call.

The application consists of the following documents:

- A list of possible hosts within ICSI and/or UCB. An already established contact is not required in order to suggest a host. Suggested hosts will be contacted in collaboration with ICSI and UCB.
- A scheduled and high-quality research plan in the area of FuNeSoMo demonstrating tight connection with FuNeSoMo thematic research areas and an outline of planned collaboration with the possible host.
- CV with publication list
- Students only: A recommendation letter from supervisor
- Students only: Transcript of study record
- Students only: Master's degree certificate

To apply, send your application by email to the coordinator kristiina.karvonen(at)hiit.fi containing all required documents as separate pdf files attachments by 16.9.2011. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. For any questions relating to the applying procedure, please get in touch with the coordinator early on.

A successful candidate will have a good track record of high-quality research in the area of FuNeSoMo (depending on the career phase). The main target group of the call is senior candidates, but applications from graduate students are also more than welcome. The junior applicants must have at least a master's level degree and be enrolled as a graduate student in either Aalto University or University of Helsinki to be eligible to apply for funding from FuNeSoMo.

FuNeSoMo funding will cover the salary, daily allowance and travel expenses and a fixed sum for housing expenses during the research visits for the successful candidates. The salary is based on HIIT salary policy. Applicants from companies should get in touch with the coordinator to inquire how to apply for funding from FuNeSoMo for a research exchange to ICSI.

The FuNeSoMo steering group will choose the best applications for funding. The funding decisions will be announced 21.10.2011.

FuNeSoMo has 2-3 calls annually. The next call deadline will be in January 2012.
To find out more about the project contents and thematic research areas, visit project website at
and download project description (.pdf).

For all inquiries, please contact
Kristiina Karvonen Coordinator, FuNeSoMo
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT www.hiit.fi
Aalto University www.aalto.fi and University of Helsinki www.helsinki.fi/university
Email: kristiina.karvonen at hiit.fi
Tel. +358 50 3841 624

Last updated on 2 Sep 2011 by Kristiina Karvonen - Page created on 24 Aug 2011 by Kristiina Karvonen