We make it digital! Aalto Digi Platform Annual Seminar

Lecturer : 
Event type: 
Doctoral dissertation
Event time: 
2015-03-03 08:30 to 12:30
Open Innovation House (OIH) seminar hall, Otaniementie 19, Espoo

ICT and digitalization are key focus areas of Aalto. Aalto Digi Platform is chartered to innovate, initiate and increase digitalization related cooperation broadly inside Aalto and with its industrial and academic partners. This first Annual Seminar is opened by distinguished guest speakers followed by presentations of selected Digi Platform related activities. The Seminar closes with an open discussion where we wish to get guidance and ideas on further activities of the Platform.

3 March 2015, 8:30-12:30 o'clock, at Open Innovation House (OIH), Otaniementie 19, Espoo

Please register no later than 24 February at

The objectives of our seminar are to

  • showcase Aalto-wide current activities where everyone can participate;
  • facilitate informal networking;
  • introduce the Digi Platform as a means of collaboration


Please see full programme at http://www.aalto.fi/en/research/platforms/digi/annualseminar2015/

More information from: Ella Bingham, Digi Platform manager, ella.bingham@aalto.fi

Last updated on 12 Feb 2015 by Ella Bingham - Page created on 12 Feb 2015 by Ella Bingham