What eyes reveal and their role in computer vision related research

Lecturer : 
Hamed Rezazadegan Tavakoli, University of Oulu
Event type: 
Guest lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Event time: 
2015-01-21 10:15 to 11:00
Aalto University, TuAS Building, seminar room TU5

Eyes are known to be the window to the soul. Human have been always fascinated by them.  The influence of eyes on mankind has led into a history full of mythical enchantment like the "Eye of Horus". Although we have developed substantially compared to ancient times, the eyes are still full of mysteries for us. In fact, over the centuries, we developed enough to move from the level of excitement and ignorance to the level of enthusiasm and cognition where the tremendous amount of information obtained from bio-signals including the eyes still need decoding.

In this brief talk, I will present the role of eye movements in pre-attentive visual information processing assessment. We will discuss the features one can extract from the eye movement signal and the use of such information in scene and valence recognition. Further, we will talk about the influential features in such tasks, the correlation of eye movement fixations with visual descriptors and it possible role in training them.

About the speaker:
Hamed R. Tavakoli joined Center for Machine Vision research (CMV) in 2010, where he obtained his Ph.D. under supervision of Prof. Janne Heikkila and Dr. Esa Rahtu. During his Ph.D. research, he worked on visual attention modeling and fixation prediction (saliency modeling) techniques and their applications in computer vision.  Currently, he is working on visual attention modeling and the analysis of eye movement data.

Last updated on 19 Jan 2015 by Antti Ukkonen - Page created on 19 Jan 2015 by Antti Ukkonen