hiit retreat: mobile computing @ hiit, 31.5. - 2.6.2004

HIIT Retreat Objectives

The annual HIIT Retreat event was held 31 May - 2 June at Sjökulla Education Centre, Kirkkonummi, under the theme "HIIT Retreat: Mobile Computing @ HIIT". The objective of the retreat was to look into the future of the Fuego research programme and some related research lines.

The retreat event gathers representatives from industry, universities and HIIT senior researchers to review the present research at HIIT and to discuss its future directions. Thereby the retreat provides a significant contribution to the strategy process of HIIT as a whole and to the ARU in particular.


14:15 Bus transport from Ruoholahti to Sjökulla
15:00 Arrival, coffee
15:30 Opening remarks
- Welcome (Martti Mäntylä)
- Program and objectives (Kimmo Raatikainen)
15:45 Guest lecture: Professor Raimo Kantola, HUT
16:45 Adaptive computing research at HIIT Basic Research Unit (Patrik Floréen)
17:30 Dinner
18:30 Discussion: Next steps in Fuego
20:00 Informal program


8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Opening remarks
- Welcome (Martti Mäntylä)
- Retreat program and objectives (Kimmo Raatikainen)
9:40 Current research projects
--- Sasu Tarkoma: Fuego Core -Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet
--- Ken Rimey: Personal Distributed Information Store
--- Marko Turpeinen: MC2 - Mobile Content Communities
--- Eero Hyvönen: Semantic Web at Work
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Future visions
--- Kimmo Raatikainen: Core
--- Pekka Nikander: Stacking Identity
--- Ken Rimey: MobileData Management
--- Martti Mäntylä: User Experience
12:50 Introduction to working group session
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Working group session
--- Group I: Core
--- Group II: Identity-locator -split
--- Group III: Mobile Data Management
--- Group IV: User Experience
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Working groups continue
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Poster presentation (Semantic Web, MC2, Context, PDIS, Fuego Core)
19:30 Informal program


8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Fuego and other HIIT programs (Martti Mäntylä)
10:00 Reporting back from the working groups
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Reporting back continues
11:30 Next steps and closing discussion
12:45 Lunch
12:45 Bus transport to Ruoholahti

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