hiit retreat: roadmap towards 2009, 18.-20.5.2005


HIIT Retreat Objectives

The annual HIIT Retreat event was held 18 May - 20 May in Haukilammen toimintakeskus under the theme "HIIT Retreat: Roadmap Towards 2009 ".

The prime objective of the retreat was to discuss and plan the overall HIIT Roadmap 2009, in light of the recent decisions of the HIIT Board on HIIT's strategy. The discussion focused especially on the research themes to be addressed in 2006-2008 and how the objectives of the strategy could in practise be reached by 2009. The desired outcome was a shared understanding of the roadmap and the next steps of its implementation.


11:00 Car transport from HTC to Haukilampi
12:00 Arrival, lunch
13:00 Opening remarks
- Martti Mäntylä
- Esko Ukkonen
13:15 Position presentations: Key mission 2009
- Future Internet (Kimmo Raatikainen)
- Digital Content Communities (Risto Sarvas)
- Intelligent Systems (Petri Myllymäki)
- User Experience (Antti Oulasvirta)
- Digital Economy ( Olli Pitkänen )
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Position presentations: Key mission 2009
- Adaptive Computing (Patrik Floreen)
- Data Mining (Heikki Mannila)
- Data Mining Applications (Hannu Toivonen)
- Neuroinformatics (Aapo Hyvärinen)
16:00 Discussion
17:30 Dinner
19:30 Informal program


8:00 Breakfast & coffee
9:00 Opening remarks
- Welcome
- Retreat program and objectives
9:20 Summary of position presentations
10:00 Invited Presentations: Challenges of the Future
- Heikki Hämmäinen, TKK
- Juha Ylä-Jääski, Teknologiateollisuus ry
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 TKK CS Department Viewpoint (Heikki Saikkonen)
12:00 Introduction to working group session
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Working group session
- Group I: Technological Drivers (Kimmo Raatikainen)
- Group II: Scientific Drivers (Petri Myllymäki)
- Group III: User Requirements (Antti Oulasvirta/Martti Mäntylä)
- Group IV: Business Drivers (Marko Turpeinen)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Working group reports
- Group I: Technological Drivers
- Group II: Scientific Drivers
- Group III: User Requirements
- Group IV: Business Drivers
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Discussion
19:30 Informal program


8:00 Breakfast
9:00 HIIT Strategy Implementation
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Next steps and closing discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Car transport to HTC
14:00 Arrival at HTC

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