Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • Welcome to discuss current topics and the opportunities related to digitalisation. The lectures will be open to everyone free-of-charge.

    In autumn 2017, Aalto University will organise the Internet Forum a series of public lectures that will focus on 'The future and safety of technology". The eight lectures in total will focus on the possibilities presented by digitalisation from various perspectives. The development of digitalisation is one of Aalto University's...

  • Welcome to discuss current topics and the opportunities related to digitalisation. The lectures will be open to everyone free-of-charge.

    In autumn 2017, Aalto University will organise the Internet Forum a series of public lectures that will focus on 'The future and safety of technology". The eight lectures in total will focus on the possibilities presented by digitalisation from various perspectives. The development of digitalisation is one of Aalto University's...

  • Maria Gaci, Weiqing Huang, Pierluigi Videsott

    MSc Thesis Presentations Tue 19 September 2017, at 14:00-15:30, room A346 (CS Building):


    14:00 – 14:30

    Maria Gaci

    Topic / Aihe: "Emotion recognition and mirroring game using virtual characters’ facial expressions and body motions for learning scenarios between robots, agents and children"

    Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Petri Vuorimaa


    14:30 – 15:00


  • CS department's public guest lecture on 'State of the art virtual reality (VR)'. The lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge.

    Steven LaValle
    Vice President and Chief Scientist of VR/AR/MR at Huawei Technologies
    Professor, University of Illinois

    Steven LaValle is Vice President and Chief Scientist of VR/AR/MR (virtual/augmented/mixed reality) at Huawei Technologies. He is also...

  • Weekly seminars held jointly by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.

    Helsinki region machine learning researchers will start our week by an exciting machine learning talk. The aim is to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Porridge and coffee is served at 9:00 and the talk will begin at 9:15. The venue for this talk is seminar room Exactum D123, Kumpula.


  • 18.09.2017 09:15–10:00
    HIIT seminar
    Exactum D122, Kumpula

    Elja Arjas, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki

    Probabilistic Preference Learning With The Mallows Rank Model

  • 15.09.2017 14:15–16:00
    Exactum CK112, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b
    14:15-14:20 Opening of the Colloquium (Sasu Tarkoma)
    14:20-14:25 Welcome to CS Master's Programme (Veli Mäkinen)
    14:25-14:35 Study guidelines (Tiina Niklander) 14:35-15:00 Algorithms study track (chair Jyrki Kivinen) List of accepted theses this year Available thesis topics Master's thesis presentation (Sean Lang: Machine...
  • Department of Computer Science

    Emilia Mendes will give a presentation with the title "Improving and Estimating the Value of Decisions" in lecture room 1171-72, TUAS building.


    At the heart of an organisation’s ability to sustain its competitive advantage and to innovate are the knowledge it holds and its capability to learn and utilise such knowledge. Decision-making and knowledge management are intrinsically related given that the quality...

  • The information and discussion meeting for the professors of the Department of Computer Science

    Date: 15.9.2017
    Time: 9:00-11:00
    Venue: TU6, TUAS building

    Coffee and buns will be served.

  • Relja Paunovic

    MSc Thesis Presentations Thu 14 September 2017, at 14:30-15:00, room B121 (CS Building):


    14:30 – 15:00

    Relja Paunovic   

    Topic / Aihe: "Contracting Service for Industrial Internet"

    Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Petri Vuorimaa


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