Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 19.05.2014 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, lecture hall T2

    Abstract:  In this this talk, I will provide an overview of modern computer graphics. In particular, I will outline important open problems in realistic (physically-based) image synthesis, and describe the research we perform in my new group in order to address these challenges.

    About the speaker:

  • Innovation, Preferential Growth and Memory in Chess Playing Behavior

    Dr. Juan Ignacio Perotti, BECS, Aalto University


    Complexity develops via the incorporation of innovative properties. Chess is one of the most complex strategy games where expert contenders exercise decision making by imitating old games or introducing innovative moves. We found that chess players tend to innovate with a probability decaying as a power law of the popularity of the last played move. By...

  • 12.05.2014 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, lecture hall T2

    Complexity develops via the incorporation of innovative properties.
    Chess is one of the most complex strategy games where expert
    contenders exercise decision making by imitating old games or
    introducing innovative moves. We found that chess players tend to
    innovate with a probability decaying as a power law of the popularity
    of the last played...

  • 09.05.2014 16:15–17:00
    Guest lecture
    Auditorium T1, Aalto CS Building, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo

    The next lecture in the Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology will be given by Prof. Roderick Murray-Smith from the University of Glasgow. The lecture will be followed by cocktails.

    The event is free of charge and open to all interested in the leading research in information technology....

  • M.Sc. Tiina Lindh-Knuutila will defend her doctoral dissertation Computational Modeling and Simulation of Language and Meaning: Similarity-Based Approaches on 9 May 2014 in lecture hall T2 (Computer science building). The opponents are Prof. Emeritus Fred Karlsson, University of Helsinki and Prof. Ari Visa, Technical University of Tampere. The custodian is Prof. Erkki Oja.

    Announcement (fi, pdf...

  • Improved Distributed Steiner Forest Construction

    Dr. Christoph Lenzen, MIT, US


    Finding near-optimal Steiner Forests is a classic graph problem, which arises in networks where one "purchases" (builds, rents,...) edges at pre-defined costs and seeks to connect several subsets of the nodes. It is a generalization of the well-known minimum spanning tree (MST) and Steiner Tree problems, where additional intricacy is added by the fact that it may or may not be beneficial to add...

  • 25.04.2014 12:15–14:00
    Guest lecture

    Jani Kirmanen presents the methodology of a modern cyberattack and demonstrates the tools used in practice. In the end, he also has some encouraging words for the sysadmins and developers.

    Kirmanen graduated from the Department of CS in 2008 with a thesis on hacking techniques. He also holds a patent in this field. Currently, Kirmanen works as an exploit researcher at...

  • Machine Learning for Smart Apps

    Prof. Ole Winther, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark


    The algorithms that we are exposed to when we use the internet are based upon mathematical and statistical modelling of user behaviour. In the talk I will show what is under the hood of two "smart apps": (a search engine for rare diseases) and matrix factorisation for the Netflix Prize and one-class collaborative filtering. These examples show that predictive...

  • 11.04.2014 10:15–11:00
    Exactum B222

    Dr. Dorota Glowacka has applied for the title of docent at the Department and she will give a public demonstration lecture on Friday 11.4. 10:15 at Exactum B222. The title of the lecture is "Introduction to Reinforcement Learning". Welcome! 


    Reinforcement learning is an area of machine learning inspired by behaviorist psychology, concerned with how software agents ought to take actions in an...

  • 31.03.2014 16:15–18:00
    Guest lecture
    T2, T building, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo

    The Internet and Computing Forum is a wide-ranging industry forum. The topics of the forum focus on new trends, hot areas and future opportunities in computer science and Internet technologies. The guest speakers are leaders in their fields in industry - top technical experts, scientists and innovators. This forum provides you with a unique opportunity to learn about the latest technical trends in...


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