Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 06.09.2013 10:15–12:00
    Guest lecture
    During this interactive workshop, I will demonstrate several Computer Science Unplugged inspired activities. I will also report on my CS Unplugged experience with different audiences, in different contexts, and in several countries.
    We regularly use CS Unplugged for, and with, young people on...
  • 27.08.2013 15:15–16:00
    Guest lecture
    D122, Exactum, Kumpula is the home of the Open Program Analysis Toolkit project that originated in Cambridge and Imperial UK. OpenPAT differs from program analysis toolkits such as SUIF (Stanford), GILK (Imperial), Valgrind (Cambridge) and Pin (Intel) in that it instruments code statically and gathers dynamic timing, control and data flow information as the program runs. In this presentation we will review the OpenPAT...
  • 27.08.2013 09:15–12:00
    Student event
    Linus Torvalds -auditorio

    Uusien opiskelijoiden tiedotus- ja neuvontatilaisuus.  Lisätietoa tilaisuuden ohjelmasta tulossa lähiaikoina.


  • Self-organized magnetic structures in computational astrophysics

    Prof. Axel Brandenburg, Nordita, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


    Computer simulations have transformed the way we can understand the physics around us. They allow us to do experiments and solve partial differential equations that describe the relevant physics. In astrophysics, the dynamical ranges in space and time are often so huge, that compromises are inevitable. The physics of sunspots and starspots is an...

  • 23.08.2013 12:00–16:00
    Defence of thesis
    University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XIV, Unioninkatu 34
  • 22.08.2013 13:15–14:00
    Guest lecture
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T2


    In computational phylogenetics, supertree methods assemble
    phylogenetic trees with non-identical but overlapping taxon sets, into
    a larger supertree: These supertrees contains all taxa of all input
    trees and describes the evolutionary relationship of these taxa.  This
    problem can be formalized in different ways, to cope with

  • 21.08.2013 09:00–17:00
    Exactum, B222

    Summer workers at Dept. CS and HIIT present the results of their projects.


    08:30 Morning coffee

    [Machine Learning, chair Arto Klami]
    09:00 Silja Polvi: Matrix Factorization for Learning Metagenomic Pathways
    09:15 Lauri Väre: Matrix Factorization Models for Bus Traffic
    09:30 Jarno Lintusaari: Labeled DAGs with...

  • Identifying unknown metabolites using fragmentation trees

    Prof. Sebastian Boecker, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany


    The structural elucidation of organic compounds in complex biofluids and tissues remains a significant analytical challenge. For mass spectrometry, the manual interpretation of collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra is cumbersome and requires expert-knowledge, as the fragmentation mechanisms of ions formed from small molecules is not...

  • 20.08.2013 14:15–15:00
    Guest lecture
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, lecture hall T2


    The structural elucidation of organic compounds in complex biofluids
    and tissues remains a significant analytical challenge.  For mass
    spectrometry, the manual interpretation of collision-induced
    dissociation (CID) mass spectra is cumbersome and requires expert-
    knowledge, as the fragmentation mechanisms of ions formed...

  • Modal Interface Automata

    Prof. Gerald Luttgen, Software Technologies Research Group, University of Bamberg, Germany


    Several modern interface theories for formally modelling and reasoning about component-based, concurrent systems have been built at the crossroads of de Alfaro and Henzinger's Interface Automata (IA) and Larsen's Modal Transition Systems (MTS). Two established examples are Nyman et al. IOMTS and Bauer et al. MIO, which differ in their view of component...


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