Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • Welcome to 3D Open-source Digital Heritage and Sustainable Technologies Workshop

    Place: Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135 A, Helsinki
    Time: 1-3 December 2016

    The objective of the workshop is to discuss key issues and hopefully come up with some guidelines that can help to...

  • Department of Computer Science: Juho Saarela, Henri Hamunen, Janne Jaanila, Anastasia Lipiäinen, Jukka Ruotsalainen, Eero Anttilainen

    MSc Thesis Presentations Tue 29 November 2016, at 14:00-17:00, room A346 (CS Building):
    14:00 – 14:30
    Juho Saarela
    Topic / Aihe: "Optimising and automating work planning by approximating the vehicle routing problem"
    Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Lauri Malmi
    14:30 – 15:00

  • CS department's public guest lecture on 'Security and Privacy Engineering in a Mobile World'. Lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge.

    Speaker: assistant prof
    Janne Lindqvist
    Speaker affiliation:
    Rutgers University
    Host: Prof Mario Di Francesco
    Time: 11:00 (coffee at 10:45)
    Venue: T2, CS building


    Security and Privacy Engineering in a...

  • Quantum Game Jam is bringing together passionate game makers and quantum physicists to solve real quantum problems throug play and games!

    The main site for the third annual #quantumjam is the Centre for Quantum Engineering at Aalto University, and there are several independently run sites around the globe (with separate registration). You can also participate online.

    You can be part of Quantum Game Jam as a game maker or as a quantum physicist. In order to...

  • Title of the dissertation is: Lower bounds in distributed computing

    Juho Hirvonen, M.Sc., will defend the dissertation "Lower bounds in distributed computing" on 25 November 2016 at 10 in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. In the dissertation, the theoretical foundations of distributed computing were studied. We show various impossibility results about how far...

  • The Future of Robotics in Finland -seminar theme is Big Data in Robotics and Automation.

    Welcome to listen keynote presentations, posters and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as pitch talks.


    9:00   Opening of the seminar

    9:15   IEEE distinguished lecturer, Prof. Michael Beetz, University of Bremen, Germany, openEASE — a digitalinnovation platform for intelligent service robotics

    10:00 Coffee break / poster...

  • 25.11.2016 09:00–27.11.2016 17:00
    Vallilan Konepaja Bruno, Helsinki

    Applications for the Ultrahack Main Event are now open! 

    Solve meaningful challenges, showcase your talent and network with key industry players and talented developers all over the globe. Unlike in any other hackathon, you may also get funding and access to accelerator programs during the Ultrahack tournament. This year we feature eight main challenges such as...

  • CS department's public guest lecture on 'Hopsets with Constant Hopbound, and Applications to Approximate Shortest Paths'. Lecture is open to everyone.


    Speaker: Prof Michael Elkin
    Speaker affiliation:
    Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    Host: Prof Jukka Suomela
    Time: 13:15 (coffee at 13:00)
    Venue: AS1,TUAS building


    Hopsets with Constant...

  • Department of Computer Science: Kaurila, Laihanen, Säkkinen, Tamper, Leskinen, Choudhury, Huttunen, Liu

    MSc Thesis Presentation Tue 22 November 2016, at 14:00-17:00, room A106 (CS Building):
    14:00 – 14:30
    Karel Kaurila
    Topic / Aihe: "Interactive learning in personalized medicine"
    Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Samuel Kaski
    14:30 – 15:00
    Iiris Laihanen
    Topic / Aihe: "Implementing a continuous integration...


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