Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • Petteri Kaski's group studies algorithms and computational complexity theory, whereas Jaakko Lehtinen's group studies computer graphics and vision. The new professors Petteri Kaski and Jaakko Lehtinen believe in ambitious research and inspirational teaching. Both consider teaching undergraduate students as an important part of their work and want to offer enough challenges and incentives to encourage every student to develop themselves as far as possible. In practice, such scalable...
  • Max Planck Institute for Informatics selected Parinya Chalermsook’s research as one of the spotlights of the institute earlier this year. When working in Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany in 2013-2016, Chalermsook was specialized in combinatorial optimization. He started as postdoctoral researcher and was then promoted to a senior researcher. Before Germany, Chalermsook spent 6,5 years in Chicago, and achieved PhD in computer science from the University of Chicago in 2012. His...
  • The DeGroot Prize recognizes influential contribution to genuine application of Bayesian Statistics. Professor Aki Vehtari, together with the coauthors Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal Stern, David B. Dunson and Donald B. Rubin, has received the DeGroot Prize for the third edition of the book “Bayesian Data Analysis”. The DeGroot Prize of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis recognizes influential contribution to genuine application of Bayesian Statistics and of its wide impact on...
  • A multidisciplinary team impress representatives of a global enterprise with their HVAC solution. Mohit Sethi, Natalia Berseneva, Vitalija Petrulaitiene, Joaquin Aldunate and Mikko Ruoho. A team comprising five Aalto University students fared superbly at the recently concluded IXL Innovation Olympics organized by The Center for Innovation, Excellence and Leadership (IXL Center, USA).  Natalia Berseneva (Doctoral candidate at the department of Applied Physics), Vitalija Petrulaitiene (...
  • The videos have been made for the cross disciplinary Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining KDD 2016. Two articles from the Department of Computer Science, DopeLearning: A Computational Approach to Rap Lyrics Generation and Reconstructing an Epidemic over Time, have been accepted to Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining KDD 2016. The conference will be held in August in San Francisco. For the conference, all papers have been...
  • The differences between academic research and industrial R&D are apparent mainly time spans. One of the objectives of computer graphics is to make the fantasy worlds of computer games possible. -        In both academic graphics research and the games industry, people are working on ways to draw pictures of places that do not really exist and make them look as real as possible. For example, in Quantum Break just published by Remedy, the aim was to make the game as much like a film as...
  • The last graduation ceremony of the Academic year was a sunny one. The summer graduation ceremony of the School of Science was held on Wednesday 29 June at the Undergraduate Centre in the Aalto lecture hall. Retuperän WBK opened the ceremony in their traditional style. A quartet from the Academic Female Choir KYN also performed. Thirteen Doctors of Sciences, one Licentiate of Science, 70 Masters of Science and 36 Bachelors of Science received their diplomas. The Vice President of Aalto...
  • Aalto University teams won and came second in the category of best automatic structural identification. General workflow of metabolite identification Metabolites are small molecules that can provide information about the state of the cells. Metabolite identification is an important problem in metabolomics. A contest on the identification of small molecules from mass spectrometry data was organized in the spring 2016. The objective of the CASMI-contest was to provide a common framework for...
  • Global patterns of adoption spreading are induced by local adoption cascades. Local adoption cascades are initiated by multiple spontaneous adopters arriving at a constant rate, amplified by a large number of adoptions induced by social influence, and controlled by individuals who are immune to the actual adoption. This study shows that the structure of real-world adoption clusters is radically different from previous expectations. Vulnerable adoptions, induced by a single adopting neighbour,...
  • Akatsuki Ryu represents SBL in the winning team, Team Proximity, in the Fortum Hackathon in May The hackathon was hosted in collaboration with Industryhack to increase innovation in the energy industry. Team Proximity’s winning idea was about managing and analyzing electricity exchange in Urgent market messages (UMM) in real time. The team’s three members were Akatsuki Ryu, Arto Ahde and Alexander Rodichev. Arto Ahde, Alexander Rodichev and Akatsuki RyuPhoto by Industryhack   Focused on...
