Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • The legal challenges of digitalization and who gets to exploit data: a new course Law in Digital Society will be a launched. The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce that a new course: CSE-E4680 Law in Digital Society will be a launched in the next academic year 2015-2016. This course will build on the core strengths of its predecessors on ICT Law and expand to cover new areas due to the emergence of the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet and the Internet of Everything....
  • As of April 1, 2015, University lecturer Lea Kutvonen has been appointed as director of the resource centre Linkki. Linkki is part of the national LUMA Centre Finland and organizes hobby kind of activities in computer science for children in elementary schools and upper secondary schools. Linkki: LUMA Centre of the University of Helsinki:...
  • Professor Samuel Kaski has directed the Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference Research COIN since February. Samuel Kaski says that machine learning research can contribute to the efficiency of science by linking new research results to previous findings by modelling their data sets. -       Molecular biology is an example of an empirical data-driven scientific field, in which research results are currently related to earlier research mainly by means of papers written about them. It...
  • An article titled "Gap Filling as Exact Path Length Problem" is to be presented at RECOMB 2015 - a leading computational biology conference with 21% acceptance ratio this year.    The problem considered is one of the last steps in a genome assembly project, that is, filling the gaps between consecutive contigs in the scaffolds. This problem can be naturally stated as...
  • HIIT researchers present three papers and one poster this year at the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces conference: Improving Controllability and Predictability of Interactive Recommendation Interfaces for Exploratory Search (short paper) IntentStreams: Smart Parallel Search Streams for Branching Exploratory Search (short paper) ...
  • The Carat research team got two awards from IEEE PerCom this week in St. Louis, USA. The article of Ella Peltonen, Eemil Lagerspetz, Petteri Nurmi, and Sasu Tarkoma: Energy Modeling of System Settings: A Crowdsourced Approach was honored by the Marc Weiser Best Paper Award. The article presented that crowdsourced data can be used to model battery consumption of mobile devices in real-life situations, when observing combinations of system settings, subsystem variables, and usage context of the...
  • Interactive exercise motivates both beginners and the more experienced – and inspires children. An augmented climbing wall, developed at Aalto University, combining projected graphics and body tracking using machine vision has been introduced as a pilot project at the Boulderkeskus bouldering center. The wall makes it possible to bring new kinds of exercise games and educational applications into places where people are already engaging in exercise and sport.  At the Boulderkeskus, the...
  • The Carat research team got two awards from IEEE PerCom this week in St. Louis, USA. The article of Ella Peltonen, Eemil Lagerspetz, Petteri Nurmi, and Sasu Tarkoma: Energy Modeling of System Settings: A Crowdsourced Approach was honored by the Marc Weiser Best Paper Award. The article presented that crowdsourced data can be used to model battery consumption of mobile devices in real-life situations, when observing combinations of system settings...
  • The recently completed Extensible Architecture and Service Infrastructure for Cloud-aware Software (EASI-CLOUDS) project has received two awards: the Korea EUREKA Day Award and the ITEA Award of Excellence. read more
  • Tekes decided on 20.3.2015 to grant funding for the continuation of the Revolution of Knowledge Work, Re:Know project. The funding is for 2 years starting 1.4.2015 and amounts to Tekes support 2,6 million euros. The project research partners are HIIT and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. For further information about the project, see Add to highlights: Banner image: Importance: NormalShow in: HIIT newsContact...
