Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • The New Scientist magazine reports in its latest issue on computational humor research at the department: Predictive text errors inspire AI comedians. This research is part of the computational creativity research in the Discovery group of Prof. Hannu Toivonen. Cook [Michael Cook from Imperial College London] thinks they might be onto something. "By understanding what makes these accidental slip-ups so funny, we open up avenues for our software to entertain us on a daily basis," he...
  •   Researchers in the Department of Computer Science (Eve Hoggan, Craig Stewart, Laura Haverinen and Giulio Jacucci) and Nokia Research Center (Vuokko Lantz) have investigated the augmentation of traditional phone calls with haptic interaction. ForcePhone is a mobile synchronous haptic communication system. During phone calls, users can squeeze the side of the device and the pressure level is mapped to vibrations on the recipient’s device. The pressure/vibrotactile messages...
  • Researchers at HIIT (Eve Hoggan, Craig Stewart, Laura Haverinen, Giulio Jacucci) and Nokia Research Center have published their paper entitled 'Pressages: Augmenting Phone Calls with Non-Verbal Messages' in UIST 2012. ForcePhone is a mobile synchronous haptic communication system. During phone calls, users can squeeze the side of the device and the pressure level is mapped to vibrations on the recipient’s device. The pressure/vibrotactile messages supported by ForcePhone are...
  • Researchers at HIIT and Max Planck Institute for Informatics show how computer vision -based hand tracking and vibration feedback on the user’s hand can be used to steer the user’s hand toward an object of interest. A study shows an almost three-fold advantage in finding objects from complex visual scenes, such as library or supermarket shelves. Finding an object from a complex real-world scene is a common yet time-consuming and frustrating chore. What makes this task complex is...
  • Researchers at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT finish the first longitudinal study on the effects of ubiquitous surveillance in the home. To understand the effects of continuous computerized surveillance on individuals, researchers at HIIT instrumented ten Finnish households with video cameras, microphones, and logging software for personal computers, wireless networks, smartphones, TVs, and DVDs. The twelve participants filled monthly questionnaires to report on stress...
  • Cloud Magazine featured Software Factory. "Searching for a Global Research Instrument: Cloud Software Factory focuses on the empirical examination of software development while also supporting its corporate partners in testing business operation-level problems. Software Factory, located on the Kumpula campus of the Helsinki University Department of Computer Science, is a software development laboratory unique in Finland, where Professor Jürgen Münch and his students get to test...
  • Kazuho Watanabe received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2002, 2004, and 2006, respectively. From 2007 to 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow and a research associate in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan. He received the Best Paper Award from the Japanese...
  • N.Asokan just recently joined the department as a Professor in the Networking and Services. He will give his first course 'Selected Topics in Mobile Security' in 10.10-11.10.2012 at 9-12 in B222. The registration is open in ILMO. This course will consist of tutorial style lectures covering two topics: mobile platform security and usable security for mobile devices. Students who want to have one credit will need to attend...
  • Check out the new blog entry and pictures from the international coffee break:  
  • Hecse, the Helsinki Doctoral Programme in Computer Science - Advanced Computing and Intelligent Systems, has available a number of fully-funded (up to a maximum of four years) positions supporting doctoral studies at one of its associated departments. The present call for applications is open until 21 September 2012. For further information, see
