Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • During a time period of the Maunder Minimum type the magnetic field may hide at the bottom of the convection zone. About 80 solar cycles seen from the surface, i.e. more than 1,000 years in solar time, modelled by means of a computer simulation. At 20-50 years in simulation time, a simulated grand minimum occurs, which in actual fact is the maximum of magnetic energy. The study conducted by the Aalto University Department of Computer Science, the ReSoLVE Centre of Excellence and the Max...
  • During the Festival you can explore the acitivities at School of Science. The Aalto Festival is arranged for the second time (16.-31.5.2016) and consists of exhibitions, seminars and prototypes and much more from the branches of art, science and economics. The School of Science is a part of the following events: Ti 17.5.2016 - Aalto Festival Opening Ti 17.5.2016 - New Building of Aalto...
  • Helsingin Sanomat, the leading newspaper in Finland, run a full page story of Digivaalit 2015 and computational tools in social science. The story is based on interview with Matti Nelimarkka (HIIT) and Salla-Maaria Laaksonen (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Science). They describe details of the methods used to examine agenda influencers during the 2015 elections - results which were published e.g. in...
  • Researchers in HIIT, CMU, and QCRI use deep-learning techniques and images from social-media platforms to monitor public health. More details are given in this blogpost and the research paper that will appear in CHI 2016. Add to highlights: Importance: NormalShow in: HIIT newsContact person:...
  • The thesis worker will have an opportunity to work on information on solutions in cooperation with a water utility and the university. Information system integration at water utilities Finnish water and wastewater utilities have various different information systems in use. Currently, these systems are often used separately and combining data from one to another requires a lot of manual work. This is a setback, since it results in ineffective use of the data sets available. Additionally,...
  • One of the oldest bioinformatics problems is to reconstruct the genome of a species from short fragments, such as those produced by high-throughput sequencing. Due to various technical limitations, it is currently impossible to fully reconstruct an entire genome. State-of-the-art genome assemblers in fact produce long genomic fragments that are "guaranteed" to occur in the genome that generated the data. A...
  • The Silicon Valley wisdom says that software is eating the world. However, in major US companies women are not working on software. Facebook reports 15% of its technical workforce being female, Twitter 10% and the US national avarage is around 23%. This is known as the gender gab in technology fields. It is widely discussed both in US media and pops up every now and then in Finnish media as well. To start to consider this problem as a crown and highlighting it's importance, we organize...
  • Augmented climbing wall increases social interaction, helps to attract wider target audiences and empowers users to become content creators. Augmented climbing wall operates as a huge touch screen. It combines body tracking with custom computer vision software, depth camera, and projected graphics. A conference paper about the system received a best paper honorary mention in the ACM CHI 2016, the leading conference on Human-Computer Interaction. – The goal of the augmented climbing wall is to...
  • Exposure to pathogens early in life is beneficial to the education and development of the human immune system. Over the past few decades, the healthcare community has observed an intriguing phenomenon: diseases related to the immune system - type 1 diabetes, and other autoimmune diseases, allergies, and the like - have taken hold in countries that have thriving, modern economies, while barely making a mark in the developing world. One of the best-supported theories to explain this peculiar...
