Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • The doctoral dissertation awards 2018 were presented 9 March at the traditional Get-together for doctoral candidates. The Doctoral Programme Committee of the School of Science proposed the winners based on proposals from each department and the Dean decided the award recipients. 'The awardees were selected on the basis of the statements given by pre-examiners and opponents. The altogether 76 dissertations in the School of Science in 2017 were of high quality across the board, and the majority...
  • In these calls, we wish to support initiatives that support HIIT's mission. Next deadline in 2018 is 15.5.2018. The following dealine after that is 7.6.2018 and the calls will also continue in the autumn. Please note that there are changes to the call text 22.2.2018. The changes are underlined. In these calls, we are looking for proposals related to following activities:  events - organization of events collaboration - initiating new university-company, cross-...
  • A strong basic degree as well as language and communication skills are central in working life. ‘Education in the technology sector opens doors to various career paths. The work involves international cooperation, so good skills in English and communication will take you far’, summarised women working in the technology sector for a room full of girls in junior high school in an event held 8 March 2018. ‘Studying technology opens huge opportunities in working life. In addition, the studies in...
  • The Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference ( aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and support women in the field. This annual one-day technical conference provides an opportunity to hear about the latest data science related research and applications in a broad set of domains. Since the inaugural conference in 2015, WiDS has gone global with over 80 regional events worldwide from 30...
  • AI allows individualized predictions for expectant mothers and newborn children. The aim of the individual recommendations is a positive experience for the user combined with activity that is beneficial for the glucose level. About 52,000 women give birth in Finland every year, and 18 per cent of them – nearly 10,000 – are diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Of these, roughly half develop type 2 diabetes later on. CleverHealth Network, an ecosystem coordinated by the Hospital District of...
  • Massive open online courses (MOOC) have been considered as personal learning experiences that require strong study skills. A new study of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki used a MOOC on programming to determine whether this claim is well founded. The study is based on a survey to the students who participated in the MOOC and its analysis by statistical methods and methods of data science. According to the study results, approximately half of the students don't get any social...
  • Despite the results, researchers don't recommend using friends as learning support. This kind of support from friends can lead to superficial learning and prevent the development of skills. Massive open online courses (MOOC) have been considered as personal learning experiences that require strong study skills. A new study of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki used a MOOC on programming to determine whether this claim is well founded. The study is based on a survey to the...
  • A new technology under development will bring down development costs so much that complex systems can be built from scratch. Business Finland has granted 678,000 euros to a team lead by Aalto University’s Jussi Rintanen for the commercialisation of a new information system technology based on artificial intelligence. Rintanen wants not only to automate the development of large information systems but also to integrate all parts of software development into a single functioning whole....
  • Kaisa Nyberg was awarded for effective protection of information and secure communication. Professor Emerita Kaisa Nyberg at Aalto University has studied mathematical methods of secure communications. Nyberg served as Professor of Cryptology from 2005 until her retirement in 2016. She is very moved by the Finnish Cultural Foundation's award. 'Prizes have been awarded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation since the early 1940s, initially to several builders of Finnish society in the fields of...
