Networking Research group: Publications


D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Hierarchical Architectures in Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks, to appear in P2P Networks and Applications, 2013.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A Novel Demand-Aware Fairness Metric for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, to appear in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013.

I. Nikolaevskiy, T. Polishchuk, A. Lukyanenko, V. Polishchuk, A. Gurtov, isBF: Scalable In-Packet Bloom Filter Multicast, to appear in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013 (poster abstract).

V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Queuing System with On-Demand Number of Servers, Mathematica Applicanda, 40(2) 2012, p. 3-14.

I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Securing Interactions of Smart Objects in Smart-M3 Spaces, in Proc. of FRUCT'12, November 2012. (extended abstract)

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, Demand-Aware Flow Allocation in Data Center Networks, in Proc. of Capacity Sharing Workshop 2012 (CSWS'12), ACM CoNEXT'12, December 2012.

M. Karl, T. Polishchuk, T. Herfet, A. Gurtov, Mediating multimedia traffic with strict delivery constraints, in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, December 2012.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Structured P2P Systems: Fundamentals of Hierarchical Organization, Routing, Scaling, and Security, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-5482-3, November 2012 (388 p). Amazon

T. Polishchuk, M. Karl, T. Herfet, A. Gurtov, Scalable Architecture for Multimedia Multicast Internet Applications, in Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM'12, June 2012.

M. Komu, S. Varjonen, S. Tarkoma and A. Gurtov. Sockets and Beyond: Assessing the Source Code of Network Applications. In Proc. of Ottawa Linux Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, July 2012.

A. Gurtov, I. Nikolaevsky, A. Lukyanenko, Using HIP DEX For Key Management And Access Control In Smart Objects, in Proc. of Workshop on Smart Object Security, March 2012

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Anarchy in Multipath Routing Games with TCP Traffic To appear in International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, 20(4), 2012.

A. Lukyanenko, E. Morozov, A. Gurtov, An adaptive backoff protocol with Markovian contention window control, in Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Volume 41, issue 7, 2012.

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Anarchy in Multipath Routing Games with Elastic Traffic. Book chapter, in L. Petrosjan and V. Mazalov (eds), Game Theory and Applications. Volume 15, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-61470-187-3

N. Weaver, C. Kreibich, B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, Implications of Netalyzr's DNS Measurements, First Workshop on Securing and Trusting Internet Names (SATIN), 2011.

C. Kreibich, N. Weaver, G. Maier, B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, Experiences from Netalyzr with Engaging Users in End-System Measurement . ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Measurements Up the Stack (W-MUST), 2011.

D. Korzun, S. Balandin, V. Luukkala, P. Liuha, A. Gurtov, Overview of Smart-M3 Principles for Application Development, in Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (IS&IT), September 2011.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, and A. Gurtov, Securing Medical Sensor Network with HIP, in Proc. of the 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth'11), October 2011.

S. Varjonen, T. Heer, K. Rimey, A. Gurtov, Secure Resolution of End-Host Identifiers for Mobile Clients, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom'11, December 2011. Best paper award!

B. Nechaev, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, CR-Chord: Improving Lookup Availability in the Presence of Malicious DHT Nodes , Computer Networks, 55(13):2914-2928, September 2011.

T. Polishchuk and A. Gurtov, Improving TCP-friendliness and Fairness for mHIP, Infocommunications Journal, 3(1):26-34, February 2011.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A. Yla-Jaaski, DISPUTE: Distributed Puzzle Tussle, in Proc. of IEEE ISCC'11, June 2011.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, D. Zhang, Hierarchical Host Identity Tags (HHIT) Verification Architecture, draft-kuptsov-hhit-05, March 2011.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Survey on Hierarchical Routing Schemes in "Flat" Distributed Hash Tables, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 4(4):346-375, 2011.

A. Khurri, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, On Application of Host Identity Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of 6th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security, November 2010.

C. Kreibich, N. Weaver, B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, Netalyzr: Illuminating The Edge Network, in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference, November 2010.

T. Polishchuk, A. Gurtov, Improving TCP-friendliness for mHIP , in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Access Networks (ACCESSNETS'10), November 2010.

J. Koskela, K. Karvonen, T. Kilinkaridis, A. Gurtov, Secure and usable P2P VoIP for mobile devices, In Proc. of the 12th ACM international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI), September 2010 (extended demo abstract).

D. Kuptsov, O. Garcia-Morchon, K. Wehrle, A. Gurtov, Brief Announcement: Distributed Trust Management and Revocation: Voting Strategies and Consensus, in Proc. of Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'10), July 2010.

S. Varjonen, A. Gurtov, Separating Friends from Spitters, in Proc. of Workshop on Mobile Collaboration Systems (at COOP2010), May 2010.

J. Koskela, A. Gurtov, A Secure Peer-to-Peer Web Framework, in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (D-SPAN 2010), June 2010.

B. Nechaev, M. Allman, V. Paxson, A. Gurtov, A Preliminary Analysis of TCP Performance in an Enterprise Network , in Proc. of Internet Network Management Workshop/Workshop on Research on Enterprise Networking, (INM/WREN '10), April 2010.

A. Lukyanenko, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, I. Falko, Playing Defense by Offense: Equilibrium in the DoS-attack Problem, in Proc. of IEEE ISCC'10, June 2010.

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov and A. Gurtov, Multipath multiuser scheduling game for elastic traffic, in Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM2010), June 2010.

D. Kuptsov, O. Garcia-Morchon, K. Wehrle, A. Gurtov, On Applications of Cooperative Security in Distributed Networks , in Proc. of the 4th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, June 2010.

S. Varjonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Secure and Efficient IPv4/v6 Handovers Using Host-Based Identifier-Location Split, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 6(1), 2010.

P. Nikander, A. Gurtov, T. Henderson, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Connectivity, Mobility, Multi-homing, Security, and Privacy over IPv4 and IPv6 networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 12 (2), 2010.

A. Lukyanenko, E. Morozov, A. Gurtov, Analysis of a link protocol with a general contention window backoff function, Informatics and its Applications, 4(2), 2010.

O. Ponomarev, A. Khurri, A. Gurtov, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for Host Identity Protocol (HIP), in Proc. of The Ninth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2010), April 2010.

J. Koskela, N. Weaver, A. Gurtov, M. Allman, Securing Web Content, in Proc. of ACM ReArch'09, December 2009.

B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, M. Allman, A. Gurtov, On Calibrating Enterprise Switch Measurements, in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, November 2009

S. Varjonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Secure and Efficient IPv4/IPv6 Handovers Using Host-Based Identifier-Locator Split, in Proc. of The 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2009), 2009.

R. Zhang, A. Gurtov, Collaborative Reputation-based Spam Defense for VoIP Systems, in Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Defence against Spam in Electronic Communication (DaSECo'09), September 2009.

A. Gurtov, T. Polishchuk, Secure Multipath Transport for Legacy Internet Applications, to appear in Proc. of BROADNETS'09, September 2009.

P. Nikander, A. Gurtov, T. Henderson, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Connectivity, Mobility, Multi-homing, Security, and Privacy over IPv4 and IPv6 networks, to appear in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2009.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, A Local Equilibrium Model for P2P Resource Ranking, to appear in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, August 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, I. Falko and A. Gurtov, N-Player Game in a Multiple Access Channel is Selfish, to appear in Proc. of Workshop on Networking Games and Management, June 2009.

O. Ponomarev, A. Gurtov, Stress Testing of HIP Implementations, to appear in Proc. of Third International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA'09), September 2009.

J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, Filtering SPAM in P2PSIP communities with web of trust, in Proc. of MobiSec'09, June 2009.

J. Koskela, J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, A secure P2P SIP system with SPAM prevention, to appear in ACM Mobile Computer Communications Review, 2009.

A. Pathak, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, HIPL: Give a name to your Linux box, to appear in Linux Journal, November 2009.

J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, Filtering SPAM in P2PSIP communities with web of trust, to appear in Proc. of MobiSec'09, June 2009.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, Source Address Validation with Host Identity Protocol, to appear in Proc. of MobiSec'09, June 2009.

D. Kuptsov, A. Khurri, A. Gurtov, Distributed authentication architecture in Wireless LANs, to appear in Proc. of the10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'09), June 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, E. Morozov, An adaptive backoff protocol with Markovian contention window control, to appear in Proc. of the 6th SPB Workshop on Simulation, June 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, V. Mazalov, Applying a reputation metric in a two-player resource sharing game, to appear in Proc. of Game Theory and Management (GTM'09), June 2009.

T. Heer, R. Hummen, M. Komu, S. Götz and K. Wehrle, End-Host Authentication and Authorazation for Middleboxes based on a Cryptographic Namespace, to appear in IEEE ICC'09 CISS, June 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Towards behavioral control in multi-player network games, to appear in GameNets'09, May 2009.

A. Khurri, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, Performance of Host Identity Protocol on Symbian OS, to appear in IEEE ICC'09, June 2009.

K. Karvonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Usable Security Management with Host Identity Protocol, to appear in 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, May 2009.

D. Korzun, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, Cyclic Routing: Generalizing Look-ahead in Peer-to-Peer Networks, in Proc. of  the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, May 2009.

T. Henderson, A. Gurtov, HIP Experiment Report, draft-irtf-hip-experiment-05, March 2009. Work in progress.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, J. Bi, SAVAH: Source address validation architecture with Host Identity Protocol, draft-kuptsov-sava-hip-01, March 2009.

A. Gurtov, M. Komu, R. Moskowitz, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Identifier/Locator Split for Host Mobility and Multihoming, Internet Protocol Journal, 12(1):27-32, March 2009.

M. Komu and J. Lindqvist, Leap-of-Faith Security is Enough for IP Mobility, to appear in the 6th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference IEEE CCNC 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2009.

D. Korzun, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, CR-Chord: Improving Lookup Availability in the Presence of Malicious DHT Nodes, HIIT Technical Report 2008-2, December 2008

J. Koskela, J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, A secure P2PSIP system with SPAM prevention, poster at ACM Mobicom, September 2008.

T. Henderson, P. Nikander, M. Komu, Using the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) with Legacy Applications, RFC 5338, September 2008.

M. Komu, M. Bagnulo, K. Slavov, S. Sugimoto, Socket Application Program Interface (API) for Multihoming Shim, August 2008, Internet draft.

T. Heer, S. Varjonen, HIP Certificates, July 2008, Internet draft.

M. Komu, T. Henderson, P. Matthews, H. Tschofenig, A. Keraenen, Basic HIP Extensions for Traversal of Network Address Translators, July 2008, Internet draft.

M. Komu, T. Henderson, Basic Socket Interface Extensions for Host Identity Protocol (HIP), July 2008, Internet draft.

T.Heer, K. Wehrle, M. Komu, End-Host Authentication for HIP Middleboxes, July 2008, Internet draft.

T. Henderson, A. Gurtov, HIP Experiment Report, draft-irtf-hip-experiment-04, July 2008. Work in progress.

V. Mazalov, I. Falko, A. Gurtov, A. Pechnikov, Arbitration in a P2P-system, in Proc. of 13-th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, July 2008.

A. Gurtov, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet, ISBN 978-0-470-99790-1, Wiley and Sons, June 2008. (Hardcover, 328 p).

J.Koskela, A HIP-based peer-to-peer communication system,  International Conference on Telecommunications, p. 1 -7, 10.1109/ICTEL.2008.4652669, Proceedings CDROM ISBN: 978-1-4244-2036-0, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2008.

D.Korzun, A.Gurtov, A Diophantine Model of Routes in Structured P2P Overlays, ACM Performance Evaluation Review, 35 (4), p.52-61, March 2008.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Performance analysis of general backoff protocols, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 4(1), March 2008.

A. Gurtov, D. Korzun, A. Lukyanenko, P. Nikander, Hi3: An Efficient and Secure Networking Architecture for Mobile Hosts, Computer Communications, 31 (2008), p. 2457-2467.

M.Richardson, Williams, M.Komu, S.Tarkoma, IPsec Application Programming Interfaces, February 2008, Internet draft.

O. Ponomarev, A. Gurtov, Using DNS as an Access Protocol for Mapping Host Identifiers to Locators, to appear in Proceedings of Routing in Next Generation Workshop, Madrid, Spain, December 2007.

D.Andersen, H.Balakrishnan, N.Feamster, T.Koponen, D.Moon and S.Shenker, Holding the Internet Accountable, In Proc. of ACM Hot Topics in Networks, November 2007.

M. Demmer, K.Fall, T.Koponen, and S.Shenker, Towards a Modern Communications API, In Proc. of ACM Hot Topics in Networks, November 2007.

D.Korzun, A.Gurtov, An infrastructure for mobile application communications, In Proc. of Russian Conference on Scientific service in Internet, October 2007.

A.Lukyanenko, On the optimality and the stability of backoff protocol, In Proc. of NEW2AN 2007. (with Univ.of Kuopio), September 2007.

T.Koponen, M.Chawla, B.Chun, A.Ermolinskiy, K.Kim, S.Shenker, I.Stoica, A data-oriented (and beyond) network architecture, ACM Sigcomm 2007, August 2007.

A. Khurri, E. Vorobyeva, A. Gurtov, Performance of Host Identity Protocol on Lightweight Hardware, in Proceedings of ACM MobiArch, August 2007.

J.Lindqvist, E.Vehmersalo, M.Komu and J.Manner, Enterprise Network Packet Filtering for Mobile Cryptographic Identities two-page abstract presented in the posters session at the USENIX 2007 Annual Technical Conference, August 2007.

J.Hautakorpi, J.Koskela, Utilizing HIP (Host Identity Protocol) for P2PSIP (Peer-to-peer Session Initiation Protocol), July 2007.

K. Karvonen, Users and Trust: the New Threats, the New Possibilities, In Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, July 2007.

K. Karvonen, Enabling Trust between Humans and Machines. Proceedings of The European e-Identity Conference, eema's 20 th Annual Conference, June 2007.

E. Uzun, K. Karvonen, N. Asokan, Usability Analysis of Secure Pairing Methods, to appear in Proceedings of Usable Security (USEC'07), February 15-16, 2007, Trinidad&Tobago, a workshop co-located with The Eleventh Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'07), LNCS

J. Lindqvist and M. Komu, Cure for Spam over Internet Telephony, to appear in 4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference - IEEE CCNC 2007, Las Vegas, USA, 11-13 January 2007.

K. Karvonen, It Takes a Lunatic, and Other Stories about Online Trust, ACM CSCW, November 2006.

P. Nikander, Aiming for open and fair markets and balanced privacy, US-EU Cyber Trust summit, November 2006.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, On Scalability Properties of the Hi3 Control Plane, Elsevier Computer Communications, 29(17):3591-3601, November 2006.

M. Komu, IPsec Application Programming Interfaces, draft-komu-btns-api-00.txt, October 2006

R. Leino, Urkinta kasvaa netissa kauhuvauhtia, Tekniikka&Talous, 29.9.2006

A. Gurtov, Overview of HIP Infrastructure, AMICT'06, August 2006.

V. Schmitt, A. Pathak, M. Komu, L. Eggert, M. Stiemerling, HIP Extensions for the Traversal of Network Address Translators, draft-schmitt-hip-nat-traversal-01.txt, June 2006. Work in progress.

J. Laganier, T. Koponen, L. Eggert, Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Registration Extension, draft-ietf-hip-registration-02, June 2006. Work in progress.

M. Komu, Native Application Programming Interfaces for SHIM Layer Prococols, draft-komu-shim-native-api-00.txt, June 2006.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, On Applying Linear Diophantine Equations to Route Modeling in Self-Organizing Networks, Elektrosvyaz, 6:34-38, June 2006

T. Koponen, M.Särelä, Resilient Connections for SSH and TLS, in Proc. of USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2006, Boston, MA, May-June 2006.

T. Henderson, A. Gurtov, HIP Experiment Report, draft-irtf-hip-experiment-02, March 2006. Work in progress.

S. Sugimoto, M. Bagnulo, K.Slavov, M. Komu, Socket Application Program Interface (API) for Multihoming Shim, draft-sugimoto-multihome-shim-api-00, February 2006.

S. Tarkoma, W. Zhou, M. Komu, Report on HIP Applications, Technical Report, October 2005.

M. Komu, S. Tarkoma, J. Kangasharju, A. Gurtov, Applying a Cryptographic Namespace to Applications, in Proc. of First International ACM Workshop on Dynamic Interconnection of Networks, September 2005.

M. Shanmugam, F. Muenz, H. Tschofenig, A. Gurtov, On Supporting Multicast and Delegation in Hi3, in Proc. of WPMC'05, September 2005.

H. Tschofenig, A. Gurtov, J. Ylitalo, A. Nagarajan, M. Shanmugam, Traversing Middle Boxes with Host Identity Protocol , in Proc. of ACISP'05, July 2005.

T. Aura, A. Nagarajan, A. Gurtov, Analysis of the HIP Base Exchange Protocol, in Proc. of ACISP'05, July 2005.

A. Gurtov, D. Korzun, P. Nikander, Hi3: An Efficient and Secure Networking Architecture for Mobile Hosts, HIIT Technical Report, TR-2005-2, June 2005.

T. Koponen, A. Gurtov, P. Nikander, Application Mobility with HIP, in Proc. of ICT'05, May 2005.

T. Koponen, A. Gurtov, P. Nikander, Application mobility with Host Identity Protocol, Extended Abstract in Proc. of NDSS'05 Workshop, February 2005.

T. Koponen, J. Lindqvist, N. Karlsson, E. Vehmersalo, M. Komu, M. Kousa, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Overview and Comparison Criteria for the Host Identity Protocol and Related Technologies, Technical report, February 2005.

A. Gurtov, A. D. Joseph, Friends or Rivals: Insights From Integrating HIP and i3, Workshop on HIP and Related Architectures, November 2004.



R. Sri Kalyanaraman, Adaptive Services for building smart mobile applications, Licentiate thesis, Aalto University, 2012.

M. Komu, Secure cross-family handovers in IP networks, DSc thesis, Aalto University, 2012. []

S. Varjonen, Trustworthy communication in distributed systems, PhD thesis, University of Helsinki, 2012. []

A. Khurri, IP mobility and security on lightweight hardware, DSc thesis, Aalto University, 2011. []

A. Lukyanenko, Multi-User resource-sharing problem for the Internet, PhD thesis, University of Helsinki, 2010. []

A. Khurri, Evaluating IP Security and mobility on lightweight hardware, Licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009. []

R. Hummen, Secure Identity-based Middlebox Functions using the Host Identity Protocol, Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen, February 2009.

T. Finez Moral, Backwards Compatibility Experimentation with Host Identity Protocol and Legacy Software and Networks, Master Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, September 2008.

B. Bishaj, Efficient Leap of Faith Security with Host Identity Protocol, Master Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2008.

Xie Xiaolei, An Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for the UMTS Network, Master Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, May 2008.

E. Vorobyeva, Performance Evaluation of Host Identity Protocol on Lightweight Hardware, Diploma Thesis, Petrozavodsk State University, November 2007.

L. Silvennoinen,Legacy Network Address Translator Traversal Using the Host Identity Protocol, Master thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, October 2007.

K. Karvonen, Bridging The Gap Between Human And Machine Trust, PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, May 2007.

M. Kousa, Supporting Multiple IPSec Security Associations in Host Identity Protocol Mobility and Multihoming, October 2006.

S. Varjonen, Security in 3G networks, Master thesis, University of Helsinki, October 2006.

T. Heer, LHIP: Lightweight Authentication for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), Diploma thesis, University of Tubingen, 2006.

M.Komu, Application Programming Interfaces for the Host Identity Protocol, Master thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, September 2004.

Last updated on 21 Feb 2013 by Sri Kalyanaraman Ramya - Page created on 12 Feb 2008 by Assel Mukhametzhanova