12 Oct 13:15 Mark Billinghurst: Research Directions in Augmented Reality

ICS Forum Talk in
Lecture hall T2 of the TKK Computer Science Building (Konemiehentie 2, Espoo) on Monday 12 October 2009 at 13:15-14.

Mark Billinghurst:
Research Directions in Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a research field that involves exploring how virtual images can be seamlessly merged with the real world. Although the technology is not new, it has recently become very popular with prototype applications being demonstrated in many domains such as engineering, education, medical and entertainment, among others. In this presentation we provide a quick overview of past research in Augmented Reality and then discuss the important research directions for the future. In particular opportunities will be discussed in the areas of AR authoring tools, mobile augmented reality, AR interaction techniques, and social networking applications. Examples will be drawn from on going research at the HIT Lab NZ and other locations.

Short biography: Prof Mark Billinghurst is a researcher developing innovative computer interfaces that explore how virtual and real worlds can be merged. Director of the HIT Lab New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, he has produced over 130 technical publications and presented demonstrations and courses at a wide variety of conferences. He has a PhD from the University of Washington and conducts research in Augmented and Virtual Reality, wearable computing and mobile interfaces. He has previously worked at ATR Research Labs, British Telecom and the MIT Media Laboratory. One of his research projects, the MagicBook, was winner of the 2001 Discover award for best Entertainment application.

Mark Billinghurst is a visiting professor for the TKK's MIDE Research Program. He is at the TKK Department of Media Technology until 15 December 2009 - you may find him in his room B163 at the TKK Computer Science Building (Konemiehentie 2, Espoo). He will visit TKK again for about 3.5 months at the end of 2010. Prof Billinghurst will give a post-graduate level course titled "Designing Augmented Reality Applications" at TKK on 3 November-9 December 2009.

See http://ics.tkk.fi/en/current/ics_forum/ for up-to-date information about the ICS Forum presentations.

Last updated on 7 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 12 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen