14 Oct 14:00 Walter Wong: Security Plane in Content-oriented Networks

Walter Wong, our visitor from Brazil will give a talk about his work on Wednesday 14 Oct at 14 in the 3rd floor meeting room in Spektri.

Title: Security Plane in Content-oriented Networks

Even though the current Internet architecture is host-centric, most of the traffic usage is content-centric. In this scenario, users are interested in retrieving contents from the Internet regardless of their location or time, opening some security issues due to time and location decoupling of the content and its provider. The security plane comes as an alternative to address these problems by creating a new plane responsible for the security features. In this mechanism, users can authenticate the content with the original provider while retrieving the content from the nearest mirrors. Some techniques employed in the security plane include Merkle Trees and Identity-based cryptography.

Short bio:
Walter Wong received his BSc. and MSc. in Computer Engineering from University of Campinas in 2005 and 2007 respectively, and currently he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the same university. His research interests include content-oriented networks and pairing-based cryptography.

Last updated on 9 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 14 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen