23 Oct 12:15 Thomas Strang: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc co

Guest talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang (DLR, Germany) in Exactum C222 on Friday 23.10.2009 at 12.15.

Title: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc communications

Safety of Life (SoL) services in transportation systems, e.g. for applications like collision avoidance of vehicles, requires reliable and instantaneous information exchange. In this talk we present the design of an infrastructureless ad-hoc inter-vehicle communication system that fulfills these requirements with respect to the boundary conditions in the railway environment, where a limited communication range and relatively high speed of nodes cause the network to be highly dynamic.
One particular interesting aspect of the talk is how location information can contribute to increase robustness and reliability to the system design.

Short CV of Thomas Strang:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Strang studied computer science at the University of Technology (RWTH) in Aachen and received his Diploma degree (Dipl.-Inform.) in 1998. Parallel to university he worked in industry from 1988 to 2000. Since July 2000 he has been working as a researcher in the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. Here his research focus has been on ubiquitous and pervasive computing, location- and context-awareness, service discovery and execution frameworks, Semantic Web and smart mobile devices. Since 2004 he has been responsible for the Institute’s programme in transportation research.
In 2003 he was awarded a Doctor’s degree in natural sciences (Dr. rer.
nat.) at the University of Munich, Germany. In October 2004 he additionally accepted an appointment for a professorship in computer science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Since 2005, he has been an Executive Director as well as acting Head of Institute at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) in Innsbruck, Austria, where he also leads a research group on ubiquitous services.

Thomas Strang is Opponent at Petteri Nurmi's PhD defense on Saturday 24.10. at 10 in Auditorum XIV of the University main building.

Last updated on 19 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 23 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen