3 Nov 14:00 Sergey Panasenko: SHA Hash Functions: History & Current State

Hash: SHA1

Place: Tuesday 3.11 14-17 at HIIT Spektri, 3rd floor

SHA Hash Functions: History & Current State

Sergey Panasenko, independent information security consultant, Moscow, Russia.


SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a family of U.S. cryptographic hashing standards since 1993. SHA algorithms are among the most widespread cryptographic hash functions in the world.
This talk gives the overview of SHA algorithms and describes their history, structure, application guidelines, cryptographic properties etc. The talk consists of the following four sections:
1. Hash functions cryptanalysis methods review.
2. SHA and SHA-1 algorithms and their cryptanalysis.
3. SHA-2 algorithms review.
4. SHA-3 project – towards to the future hashing standard.
We discuss the advantages and limitations of the algorithms which take part in the SHA-3 project and also give some conclusions about trends of hash function development.

Brief biography

Sergey Panasenko is an information security consultant from Moscow, Russia.
He works in the fields of information security and cryptography since 1996.

Main attributes:

1995 M.Sc. at Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (Technical
University). Specialization: Radio Engineering.

2003 Ph.D. Thesis: “Analysis and development of middleware systems for
embedding cryptographic algorithms into common software systems”.

2004 Microsoft Certified Professional (Software development with
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0).

2005 Book “Fundamental cryptography for economists”, Moscow, Finance &
Statistics, with V.P.Batura.

2008 Book “Handbook of encryption algorithms”, StPetersburg, BHV.

Other activities:
• Over 150 scientific and popular publications in information security
and cryptography.
• Teaching experience in Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering and
Training Centre of Russian Ministry of Revenue, Obninsk (courses:
“Asymmetric cryptography methods for providing information security”, “Information security”, “Methods and tools for computer information protection”).
• M.Sc. certification committee member at Moscow Institute of Electronic
Engineering. Specializations: “Complex Protection of Information Objects” and “Software Engineering”.
• Opponent, Ph.D. thesis defenses in the fields of information security
and software development.
• Reviewer of “Security systems” and “World and security” journals.
Editorial board member of “Points of information security” journal.

E-mail: Serg@panasenko.ru

Last updated on 30 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 3 Nov 2009 by Visa Noronen