9 Dec 13:00 Riitta Hari: Multiple time scales of brain function

Please join us for Prof. Riitta Hari from Low Temperature Lab, TKK, who
will discuss multiple time scales of brain function.

Time: Wednesday 9 December at 1-2pm.

Place: Spektri Business Park, Pilotti Building, 3rd floor meeting room.
Metsänneidonkuja 4, Espoo.

Title: Multiple time scales of brain function

Abstract: Human percepts, cognitive processes, motor activity, and social interaction rely on accurate neuronal timing ranging from sub-milliseconds to seconds. Auditory, visual, and tactile inputs reach the primary projection cortex within tens of milliseconds whereas multisensory integration has a wide tolerance of up to 100–250 ms. Both theoretical considerations and brain imaging data suggest an ordered representation of time scales: the scales are the longer the longer is the distance from the primary sensory area. Interestingly, our percepts of sensory stimuli operate on a mix of both highly precise and quite liberal time scales. Some time scales are prolonged in dyslexia. Examples will be given about magnetoencephalographic tracking of cortical activation sequences.

Bio: Professor Riitta Hari, MD, PhD was trained as a clinical neurophysiologist and received her degrees from Helsinki University. She leads the Brain Research Unit (BRU) of the Low Temperature Laboratory, TKK, and the National Center of Excellence on Systems Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. Hari’s research team has since the early 1980s been developing magnetoencephalography (MEG), with a special focus on studies of all sensory systems and of various cognitive brain functions of healthy subjects and of various patient groups. Hari’s main interest is in temporal dynamics of human cortical functions, most recently related to the brain basis of social interaction. Hari is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences since 2004.

Upcoming Speakers in 2009:
- 16.12.2009 13:00-14:00, "User Involvement, Social Media, and Service Evolution: Case Habbo" Mikael Johnson, National Consumer Research Centre and HIIT

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