HIIT Retreat 2006: HIIT research programmes 2006-2008, 22.-23.5.2006

HIIT Retreat Objectives

The annual HIIT Retreat event will be held on May 22 - 23 in Haukilammen toimintakeskus under the theme "HIIT Research Programmes 2006-2008 ".

As a step towards the joining of the present two units of HIIT, the HIIT Board accepted on May 11, 2006, the titles and missions of the four research programmes of HIIT: Algorithmic Data Analysis, Future Internet, Network Society, and Probabilistic Adaptive Systems. The prime objective of the retreat is to discuss and decide how the research programmes will carry out their missions. Issues include the organisation and decision-making procedures, transparency towards partner research groups and participating companies, and the role of research programmes in education. Also the possibilities of launching a fifth research programme will be discussed.

Senior researchers from HIIT and representatives from companies and partner institutions are invited to the event.


08:15 Car transport from HTC to Haukilampi
09:15 Arrival
09:30 Opening remarks (Martti Mäntylä and Esko Ukkonen)
10:00 TKK CS Research Strategy (Heikki Saikkonen)
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 HIIT Research Programmes 2006-2008 (Patrik Floréen)
11:50 Guest presentation: EU 7th Framework eMobility SRA (Mika Klemettinen, Nokia)
12:20 Introduction to working group session (Martti Mäntylä)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Working group session I: Vision and mission
- Group I: Algorithmic Data Analysis (Heikki Mannila)
- Group II: Probabilistic Adaptive Systems (Petri Myllymäki)
- Group III: Future Internet (Kimmo Raatikainen)
- Group IV: Network Society (Marko Turpeinen)
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Working group session II: Modus operandi
- Group I: Algorithmic Data Analysis (Heikki Mannila)
- Group II: Probabilistic Adaptive Systems (Petri Myllymäki)
- Group III: Future Internet (Kimmo Raatikainen)
- Group IV: Network Society (Marko Turpeinen)
16:30 Discussion
17:30 Dinner
19:30 Informal program


8:00 Breakfast & coffee
9:00 Summary of working group presentations
- Group I: Algorithmic Data Analysis (Heikki Mannila)
- Group II: Probabilistic Adaptive Systems (Petri Myllymäki)
- Group III: Future Internet (Kimmo Raatikainen)
- Group IV: Network Society (Marko Turpeinen)
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Discussion and next steps (Martti Mäntylä)
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Car transport Haukilampi-HTC
14:15 Arrival at HTC

Last updated on 2 Feb 2007 by Martti Mäntylä - Page created on 22 Jan 2007 by Martti Mäntylä