Huge number of applications to open positions in HIIT

Mon, 22.03.2010

22 Mar 2010 - The number of people applying for a positions in HIIT has increased significantly. In recently closed calls for applications, around 40 persons applied for HIIT senior researcher positions, 60 persons applied for postdoc positions, 300 persons applied for summer job positions and 6 persons applied for the HIIT director position.

Non-Finnish citizens send 75% of all senior researcher applications and 90% of all postdoc applications. Positions were advertised internationally on scientific websites.

Interest for summer job positions has risen significantly. While this year HIIT received 292 applications for different research assistant positions, last year 168 persons applied summer jobs in HIIT. in 2008 the number was 20 and in 2007 38 persons applied summer job positions.

Last updated on 26 Mar 2010 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 22 Mar 2010 by Visa Noronen