Nordunet3 funds NordicHIP project

Mon, 22.05.2006

22 May 2006 - The Nordunet3 Programme has accepted the project proposal NordicHIP, submitted in response to the programme's October 2005 call. NordicHIP is a joint project by the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), HIIT and the TML laboratory at TKK. Its objective is to deepen the collaboration in research and development of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and related Internet infrastructure components between the participants. Nordunet3 is a joint program of the Joint Committee of the Nordic Natural Science Research Councils (NOS-N), NordForsk, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and NORDUnet A/S. NordicHIP is one of six projects selected the Nordunet3 Steering Committee based on recommendations from an international panel of referees for funding from 24 project applications. The project is led by Dr. Andrei Gurtov.

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