15 Apr 14:15 Tobias Heer: End-to-Middle Authentication in Multi-Hop Networks

MSc Tobias Heer from RWTH Aachen will give a guest
lecture on Thursday 15.4. 14.15-16 at Kumpula in
Exactum D122. The title of the talk is: End-to-Middle
Authentication in Multi-Hop Networks.

Attached you will find more information
about the lecture and his bio.


Best regards,
- Sasu

Wireless multi-hop networks are particularly susceptible to attacks
based on flooding and the interception, tampering with, and forging
of packets. Thus, reliable communication in such networks
quintessentially depends on mechanisms to verify the authenticity
of network traffic and the ascertainment of the identity of
communicating peers. A major challenge to achieve this functionality
are the tight resource constraints of such devices such as
smartphones, mesh nodes, sensor nodes, and wireless routers
with regard to CPU, memory, and energy. These restrictions require
careful balancing between the tradeoffs implied by the
different cryptographic primitives available. This talk presents
and compares three different approaches to end-to-middle
authentication, each achieving different goals and making
different tradeoffs regarding performance, complexity, and

Short Bio:
Tobias is a PhD Student and Junior Researcher at the Distributed Systems
Group at the RWTH Aachen. He is project manager for the network-related
aspects of the Mobile ACcess Project. He was a member of the graduate
school for software for communication systems from 2006 to 2009.
His research focus is mobile communications, efficient end-host mobility,
and network security. Tobias is actively involved in the development
and standardization of the Host Identity Protocol in the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Tobias began his studies
in Computer Science at the University of Tübingen (Germany) in 2000
and graduated as a Diplom-Informatiker (MsC equiv.) in 2006. He was
with the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) in
Finland from October 2005 to May 2006 where he was working on
his Diplomarbeit on Lightweight Authentication for the Host Identifier
Protocol for which he was awarded the KuVS prize for the best
Diploma thesis in 2007. 

Last updated on 9 Apr 2010 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 16 Apr 2010 by Visa Noronen