TEKES awards funding for Trustworthy Internet project

Wed, 15.03.2006

15 Mar 2006 - TEKES has granted three-year funding 2006-2008 to establish an excellence group "Trustworthy Internet" at the HIIT, the Telecommunications and Multimedia Laboratory (TML) at TKK, and the Computer Science Department (TKTL) at UH. The project is one of the four strategic research projects of national GIGA programme that receive 100% TEKES funding. The main objective of the project is to investigate overlay networks for building and managing trust relationships between service providers and customers over networks. The project will study overlay access, application integration, identity management, trust and session management, overlay scalability, and perform experiments and measurements. Professor Martti Mäntylä is the responsible leader and Dr. Andrei Gurtov the leading scientist of the project. Other senior scientists include Professor Antti Ylä-Jääski from TML and Professor Kimmo Raatikainen from TKTL.

Last updated on 22 Feb 2010 by WWW administrator - Page created on 15 Mar 2006 by Martti Mäntylä