28 May Workshop on Algorithms and Applications

Workshop on Algorithms and Applications
(WAA 2010)

Friday 28 May 2010, Helsinki, Finland



The workshop gathers authors of the LNCS Festschrift 6060 - Algorithms and Applications, Essays Dedicated to Esko Ukkonen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday - to present their contribution. This festive edition of the workshop is a continuation of the local annual seminar series on string processing research (Merkkijonopäivä 2009 and Merkkijonopäivä 2008). String processing has been an active research topic in Finland since the early '80s. Some highlights over the years include first formulations of algorithms for fragment assembly, new methods for data compression, seminal results on approximate string matching and lossless filtering, string matching on compressed sequences, space-efficient full-text indexes, efficient construction algorithms for full-text indexing, bit-parallel string algorithms, two- and higher-dimensional pattern matching over different transformation classes, and motif discovery algorithms on biological sequences. The contributions from the Festschrift authors touch on many of these topics and survey the current research themes in the field. The invited talk by Robert Giegerich explores some new challenges.


The workshop is open to anyone interested in the presented topics. However, prior registration is necessary. Please register at
before 20 May 2010.


* 8:45-9.00: Welcoming coffee
* 9.00-9.15: Welcoming words by Festschrift Editors
* 9.15-9.45: Alberto Apostolico: Maximal Words in Sequence Comparisons Based on Subword Composition
* 9.45-10.15: Amihood Amir: String Arrangement Metrics - A Survey
* 10.15-10.45: Francisco Claude: Extended Compact Web Graph Representations
* 10.45-11.00: Break
* 11.00-11.45: Invited talk by Robert Giegerich: Longer, deeper, and affordable kisses.
* 11.45-12.15: Thomas Zeugmann: Clustering the Normalized Compression Distance for Influenza Virus Data
* 12.15-13.30: Lunch break
* 13.30-14.00: Meelis Kull: An Evolutionary Model of DNA Substring Distribution
* 14.00-14.20: Tapio Elomaa: Covering Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm for Partial Cover
* 14.20-14.40: Jorma Tarhio: Approximate String Matching with Reduced Alphabet
* 14.40-15.00: Erkki Sutinen: ICT4D: a Computer Science Perspective
* 15.00-15.30: Coffee break
* 15.30-15.50: Kjell Lemström: Transposition and Time-Scale Invariant Geometric Music Retrieval
* 15.50-16:10: Veli Mäkinen: Unified View of Backward Backtracking in Short Read Mapping
* 16.10-16.30: Antti Ukkonen: The Support Vector Tree
* 19.00: Conference dinner


Workshop is arranged at the University of Helsinki, Kumpula Campus, Department of Computer Science, Exactum building room B123.


* Veli Mäkinen
* Greger Lindén
* Ritva Järvenpää
* Teija Kujala
* Tapio Elomaa
* Pekka Orponen
* Heikki Mannila  

Last updated on 11 May 2010 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 29 May 2010 by Visa Noronen