Antti Hyvärinen: Incorporating Clause Learning in Grid-Based Randomized SAT Solving

Event time: 
2010-09-20 13:15 to 14:00

HIIT seminar Otaniemi, Monday September 20, 13:15
Location: Computer Science building, hall T2

Antti Hyvärinen
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Department of Information and Computer Science
Aalto University School of Science and Technology

Incorporating Clause Learning in Grid-Based Randomized SAT Solving

Computational Grids provide a widely distributed computing environment suitable for randomized SAT solving. This paper develops techniques for incorporating clause learning, known to yield significant speed-ups in the sequential case, in such a distributed framework.

The approach exploits existing state-of-the-art clause learning SAT solvers by embedding them with virtually no modifications. The paper presents an algorithmic framework for learning-enhanced randomized SAT solving in Grid environments. With a substantial amount of controlled experiments it is demonstrated that this approach enables a form of clause learning which is not directly available in the underlying sequential SAT solver. Finally, an implementation of the algorithm is run in a production level Grid where it solves several problems not solved in the SAT 2007 solver competition.

Joint work with Tommi Junttila and Ilkka Niemelä


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