Reconstruction and evolution of gapless metabolic networks

Lecturer : 
Esa Pitkänen
Event type: 
HIIT seminar
Event time: 
2010-12-03 10:15 to 11:00
Kumpula Exactum C222

Talk announcement:
HIIT Seminar Kumpula, Friday Dec 3, 10:15 a.m., Exactum C222

Esa Pitkänen
University of Helsinki

Reconstruction and evolution of gapless metabolic networks

Metabolism is the cellular subsystem responsible for generation of
energy from nutrients and production of building blocks for larger
macromolecules.  In this talk we will introduce gapless metabolic
networks as a model for biologically feasible metabolisms.  We will
concentrate on two prominent topics in metabolic modeling.  First, we
discuss algorithms for reconstructing gapless metabolic networks from
sequence data.  Reconstructed networks for observed species can then
be utilized to determine the evolutionary history of metabolic
networks by inferring gapless networks for ancestral species.  We will
also describe an on-going effort to apply these methods to large-scale

Esa Pitkänen is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science,
University of Helsinki, in the Computational Systems Biology and
Bioinformatics group lead by Juho Rousu, and is currently working on
computational methods for metabolic modeling.

--Matti Järvisalo

Last updated on 25 Nov 2010 by Matti Järvisalo - Page created on 25 Nov 2010 by Matti Järvisalo