Break in file service fs at 2010-12-23 6:30-7:15

2010-12-23 06:30 to 07:15
45 min
Affected services: 
Home directories, scratch and sites on server

Data of the home directories (/home), scratch (/scratch) and sites (/sites) will be transferred to another file system. During the final sync the old file system will not be writable via NFS and not accessible via SMB or CIFS.

This is done because our old disk array system is being replaced with a new one.

Update at 7:19: The break was over at 6:59 for home directories (duration 29 min) and 7:15 for both sites and scratch (duration less than 5 min each).

Last updated on 23 Dec 2010 by Pekka Tonteri - Page created on 23 Dec 2010 by Pekka Tonteri