Postdoctoral researchers

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT ( invites applications for

Postdoctoral researchers

Excellent applicants in the research fields of HIIT are welcome and the positions will be filled for three years maximum, starting 2 May 2012, or as agreed. For more detailed information, please see the full call text at The closing date of the call is February 29, 2012.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
More information: 

Contact persons in HIIT for practical information:
HR Coordinator Stefan Ehrstedt, stefan.ehrstedt at,
Planning secretary Päivi Kuuppelomäki, kuuppelo at
(please use both addresses).

Contact persons in HIIT for scientific information:
The respective research group leaders and HIIT research programme directors, 

Last updated on 16 May 2012 by Webmaster - Page created on 9 Feb 2012 by Stefan Ehrstedt