Break in network connections at 2012-10-01 9:50-13:35

2012-10-01 09:50 to 13:35
3h 45min
Affected services: 
Open innovation house's network connections

Open Innovation House is connected to rest of HIIT's IT infrastructure with a light path running route Vallila - CSC - Otaniemi. This light path went down at 9:50 due to BPDU packets transmitted from Aalto IT's router in Otaniemi and received by University of Helsinki's router in Vallila. Incorrectly those packets were not discarded, instead the port was shut down by spanning tree.

At 13:35 the port was brought up manually and OIH returned to network.

Update at 16:30: Both Aalto university's and University of Helsinki's routers now filter BPDU packets from OIH light path, so this kind of situation shouldn't happen again.

Last updated on 11 Oct 2012 by Pekka Tonteri - Page created on 1 Oct 2012 by Pekka Tonteri