Vilma Lehtinen


Researcher in the Social Interaction and Emotion (SIE) research group

Post-graduate student, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki



Full papers

Kuikkaniemi, K., Lehtinen, V., Nelimarkka, M., Vilkki, M., Ojala, J., Jacucci, G. (Forthcoming). Designing for Presenters at Public Walk-up-and-use Displays. TEI'14 Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. ACM New York, NY, USA.

Lampinen, A., Lehtinen, V., Cheshire, C., Suhonen, E. (2013). Indebtedness and Reciprocity in Local Online Exchange. CSCW’13 Proc. of the conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Tamminen, S., Raita, E., Lehtinen, V., Silfverberg, S, Ravaja, N. (2012). Teknologian sosiaalipsykologinen tutkimus. [Social psychological studies of technology.] Psykologia, 47 (5-6), 410-422.

Kilpiö, K. & Lehtinen, V.  (2012). Bulkista uniikiksi. Merkitystä massatuotettuihin musiikkisäiliöihin. [From bulk to unique. Creating meaning to mass-produced music containers.] Media ja Viestintä, 34 (4), 26-47.

Kankainen, A., Lehtinen, V. (2011). Creative Personal Projects of the Elderly as Active Engagements with Interactive Media Technology. C&C'11 Proceedings of the conference on Creativity and Cognition. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Lampinen, A., Lehtinen, V., Lehmuskallio A., & Tamminen, S. (2011). We're in it Together: Interpersonal Management of Disclosure in Social Network Services. CHI'11 Proceedings of the annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Vaajakallio, K., Lehtinen, V., Kaario, P., Mattelmäki, T., Kuikkaniemi, K., Kantola, V. (2010). Someone Else's Shoes - Using Role-Playing Games for Empathy and Collaboration in Service Design. Design Research Journal, 1 (1), (pp. 34-41). Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Industrial Design Foundation.

Lehtinen, V., Näsänen, J., Sarvas, R. (2009). "A little silly and empty-headed": older adults' understandings of social networking sites. In Proceedings of the 2009 British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 45-54). Cambridge, United Kingdom: British Computer Society. Winner Archival Highlight Award.

Lehtinen, V. & Lounamaa, A. (2008). Citizen Participation for Safety: A Question of Managing Local Knowledge in Organizations Maintaining Built Environments. In R. Suomi & S. Apiainen (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Well-being in the Information Society (WIS 2008). TUCS General Publications 49, Turku Centre for Computer Science.

Hankonen, N., Ristolainen, H., Lehtinen, V. (2007). Sosiaalipsykologisia lähestymistapoja verkkovuorovaikutukseen. [Social psychological approaches to computer-mediated interaction.] Psykologia, 42 (4), 276-288.


Book chapters

Lehtinen, V. (2013). Tieto- ja viestintäteknologioiden kehittäminen ja sosiaalitieteelliset kenttätutkimusmenetelmät - myrskyinen rakkaustarina  [The stormy love story of ICT development and social scientific field methods].


Lampinen, A., Suhonen, E., & Lehtinen, V. (2013) Verkkopalvelut paikallisyhteisöjen arjessa. Käyttäjätutkimus Living Lab –ympäristöissä. Teoksessa S-M. Laaksonen, J. Matikainen ja M. Tikka (toim.) Otteita verkosta. Verkon ja sosiaalisen median tutkimusmenetelmät. Vastapaino.

Lehtinen, V. & Lovio, I. (2011). Ihmissuhteiden rituaaliset esitykset verkostopalveluissa. [Ritual performances of social relationships in social network services.] Teoksessa P. Saarikoski, U. Heinonen ja R. Turtiainen (toim.) Digirakkaus 2.0. Turun yliopisto, Pori: Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen laitoksen julkaisuja 31.


Workshops, posters, etc.

Lehtinen, V. & Liikkanen, L. (2012). Meanings of mobile music sharing in tween life. CHI'12 Work-in-Progress. 

Lampinen, A., Lehtinen, V., Huotari, K., Luusua, V., Mäntylä, M., Sarvas, R., Seppälä, L., Turunen, J. (2009). Mobile social media for groupsPresented at the poster session of CSCW'09, the European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.

Sarvas, R., Lehmuskallio, A., Lehtinen, V., Näsänen, J., and Vihavainen, S. (2008). Snapshot Media: "Kodak
Culture" in the 21st Century,
CHI 2008 workshop on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos.

Lehtinen, V. (2007). Maintaining and Extending Social Networks in IRC-galleria. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Department of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki. Carl J. Couch Internet Research Award 2008, 3rd place for a paper based on the thesis: "Performing Diverse Social Relationships on a Social Networking Site"



Informaatioteknologian sosiaalipsykologiaa. [Social Psychology of IT.] Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, fall 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012


Media Appearances (In Finnish)

On societal aspects of social network services:

On teenagers’ use of social network services:





Last updated on 17 Jan 2014 by Vilma Lehtinen - Page created on 8 Feb 2007 by Vilma Lehtinen