Research by HIIT featured in Technology Review and Engadget!

Tue, 16.10.2012

Researchers at HIIT (Eve Hoggan, Craig Stewart, Laura Haverinen, Giulio Jacucci) and Nokia Research Center have published their paper entitled 'Pressages: Augmenting Phone Calls with Non-Verbal Messages' in UIST 2012.

ForcePhone is a mobile synchronous haptic communication system. During phone calls, users can squeeze the side of the device and the pressure level is mapped to vibrations on the recipient’s device. The pressure/vibrotactile messages supported by ForcePhone are called pressages. The results showed that an additional haptic channel of communication can be integrated into mobile phone calls using a pressure to vibrotactile mapping with local and remote feedback. The longitudinal study showed that such a system has value as a communication channel in real-world settings with users expressing greetings, presence and emotions through pressages.


Engadget article


Technology Review


The paper can be downloaded here

Last updated on 16 Oct 2012 by Eve Hoggan - Page created on 16 Oct 2012 by Eve Hoggan