8.11.2005: MoMUPE receives TEKES funding

Tue, 08.11.2005

TEKES has awarded two-year funding for the project Network of Mobile Context-Aware Applications and Games, aiming to create context-aware multi-user applications that can be run on any mobile phone. The applications are developed with the Multi-User Publishing Environment (MUPE), an open source application platform developed in Nokia Research Center. MUPE has been used successfully in many NRC and university projects, and this project continues this work. The platform enables rapid development of mobile multi-user context-aware applications and games, and it allows the new technologies in mobile phones to be easily used. MUPE already has an active developer community, and the project aims to research new and emerging technologies. The project is a joint venture of Nokia, Lappeenranta University of Technology, HIIT, Tampere University of Technology and VTT. For further information please contact Dr. Marko Turpeinen.

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