Mobile Computing

The Mobile Computing Group investigates different aspects of wireless and mobile communications. The group has a strong focus on mobile middleware and service platforms.Recent research of the group pertains to mobile cloud computing, data and computation offloading, and energy modeling and optimization. The group was founded by the late Professor Kimmo Raatikainen.

Our vision is that each layer of the networking stack must be aware of the environment, and the whole communication stack needs to be optimized and made adaptive. A key challenge is how to distribute service functionality and logic in the distributed environment. The aim of our work is to enable efficient, secure, always-on, and reliable connectivity irrespective of the access network and terminal device. Moreover, service access and usage must be personalized and adapted to the current operating context.

Our central research items include synchronous and asynchronous middleware communications, publish/subscribe, data synchronization, context-aware systems, and more recently peer-to-peer content dissemination and delivery.

Current members

Past members

  • Kari Visala
  • Dr. Dmitrij Lagutin
  • Dr. Oriana Riva
  • Dr. Jaakko Kangasharju
  • Tancred Lindholm
  • Sri Kalyanaraman Ramya

Key publications

  • S. Tarkoma. Publish/Subscribe Systems: Design and Principles. Textbook. Wiley, 2012. To appear in August.
  • S. Tarkoma, C. Rothenberg, and E. Lagerspetz. Theory and Practice of Bloom Filters for Distributed Systems. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 14(1):131–155, 2012.
  • S. Aalto, P. Lassila, P. Savolainen, and S. Tarkoma. How Impatience Affects the Performance and Scalability of P2P Video-on-Demand Systems. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 39(3), 2011.
  • S. Tarkoma, and E. Lagerspetz. Arching over the Mobile Computing Chasm: Platforms and Runtimes. Computer (New York), 44(4):22–28, 2011.
  • Y. Xiao, P. Savolainen, M. Siekkinen, A. Ylä-Jääski, and A. Karppanen. Practical Power Modelling of Data Transmissions over 802.11g for Wireless Applications. ACM e-Energy 2010. 2010. Best paper award
  • W. Rao, R. Vitenberg, and S. Tarkoma. Towards Optimal Keyword-based Content Dissemination in DHT-based P2P Networks. In IEEE Peer-to-Peer Conference (P2P 2011), 102–111, 2011.

Public Demonstrations and Posters

  • A. J. Oliner, A. P. Iyer, E. Lagerspetz, I. Stoica, and S. Tarkoma. Carat: Collaborative Energy Bug Detection. Poster and demo at the proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '12), San Jose, California.
  • E. Lagerspetz, S. Tarkoma, and T. Lindholm. Dessy: search and synchronization on the move. Poster paper, MDM 2010. Awarded Best Poster.
  • E. Lagerspetz, S. Tarkoma, and T. Lindholm. Dessy: demonstrating mobile search and synchronization. Demo paper, MDM 2010. Awarded Best Demo.

Last updated on 25 Oct 2013 by Ella Bingham - Page created on 13 Jan 2007 by Webmaster