FIMM-HIIT Minisymposium

Event time: 
2014-08-20 09:00 to 13:00
Biomedicum Helsinki, Lecture Hall 2

Since computational and molecular biology are truly intertwined disciplines in translational research, this symposium is a joint effort of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT).


The main aims are to:

  1. familiarize the research groups from two institutes with one another and
  2. introduce doctoral students, particularly the new ones, to FIMM and HIIT. It is an ideal forum for getting to know each other better and starting to think about new inter-institutional collaborations.



9.00        Welcoming remarks

Session I  - Chairs:  Gopal Peddinti, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher (FIMM) and Alok Jaiswal, Doctoral Student (FIMM)


Predicting Structured Data

Juho Rousu, PhD, Prof., Group Leader (HIIT)


Computational Systems Medicine 

Tero Aittokallio, PhD, FIMM-EMBL Group Leader (FIMM)


Modelling Lung Cancer Tumor Progression

Emmy Verschuren, PhD, FIMM-EMBL Group Leader (FIMM)


Predictive Analytics and Modeling Multiresolution Data

Jaakko Hollmén, D.Sc. Tech., Group Leader (HIIT)


Imaging of Pathogenic Cellular Phenotypes

Vilja Pietiäinen, PhD, Senior Researcher (FIMM)


Probabilistic Modelling of Gene Expression Dynamics and Sequencing Data 

Antti Honkela, D.Sc. Tech., Academy of Finland Research Fellow (HIIT)

10.40     Break with coffee, tea
Atrium Court C2

11.00     Introduction of new students at FIMM and HIIT, Moderator:  Anna Cichonska, Doctoral Student (FIMM-EMBL/HIIT)

Session II  - Chairs:  Daniel Valenzuela, Doctoral Student (HIIT) 


Screening for Complex Disease Genes Using Tens of Thousands of Individuals

Samuli Ripatti, PhD, Prof., FIMM-EMBL Group Leader (FIMM)


Genome-scale Algorithmics - The Case of Labeled Directed Acyclic Graphs

Veli Mäkinen, PhD, Prof., Group Leader (HIIT)


Psychiatric Genetics: Genes, Networks and Translation

William Hennah, PhD, Academy of Finland Research Fellow (FIMM)


Hadoop-BAM and Seqpig:  Exploiting Big Data Platforms for NGS Data Processing

Keijo Heljanko, D.Sc. Tech., Prof., Group Leader (HIIT)


From Phenotype to Genotype – Known Mutations and Novel Genes Causing Primary Immune Deficiencies

Janna Saarela, MD, PhD, Research Director, Group Leader (FIMM)


Data Integration, Translation, Retrieval and Visualization

Samuel Kaski, D.Sc. Tech., Prof., Group Leader, Director (HIIT)

12.40     Closing remarks  

13.00     Networking lunch for group leaders and new students (by invitation)
location: Biomedicum 1, P-floor, Meeting Room 8-9


Organizing Committee

Anna Cichonska          Doctoral Student, HIIT/FIMM-EMBL
Gretchen Repasky       Research Training Coordinator, FIMM
Ella Bingham                Research Coordinator, HIIT
Samuli Ripatti               FIMM-EMBL Group Leader, FIMM
Juho Rousu                  Group Leader, HIIT
Gopal Peddinti             Postdoctoral Researcher, FIMM
Daniel Valenzuela       Doctoral Student, HIIT


Updated 18 August 2014

Last updated on 18 Aug 2014 by Anna Cichonska - Page created on 23 Jun 2014 by Anna Cichonska