The future of authentication may be based on free-form gestures

Fri, 12.09.2014

User-generated free-form gestures for authentication: security and memorability

A collaborative effort between Arttu Modig and Teemu Roos of HIIT, Antti Oulasvirta of MPI (soon to join Aalto University), and researchers at Rutgers University, USA, shows that it is possible to develop gestures that have a certain level of variability, or surprise, while being repeatable. This result suggests that free-form gestures can be used as a robust method for mobile authentication, paving way for next generation mobile authentication solutions, such as smartphone lock screens.

M. Sherman, G. Clark, Y. Yang, S. Sugrim, A. Modig, J. Lindqvist, A. Oulasvirta, and T. Roos, (2014). User-generated free-form gestures for authentication: security and memorability, in Proc. 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys-2014).

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Last updated on 1 Dec 2014 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 12 Sep 2014 by Maria Lindqvist