International Visitors to Genome Scale Algorithmics in October

Mon, 06.10.2014

October will see Dr. Pawel Gawrychowski (Max Plank Institute for Informatik) and Dr. Yasuo Tabei (Tokyo Institute of Technoology) visit Genome Scale Algorithmics, a subgroup of HIIT Algorithmic Data Analysis programme, led by Professor Veli Makinen.

Both Dr. Gawrychowski and Dr. Tabei will be in Helsinki to progress research on compressed data structures, a current frontier in data structures research and a field in which Helsinki has become a major centre. Compressed data structures aim to represent data in a little space as possible, while simultaneously supporting fast operations, such as search, over the data. A relatively young field (emerging at the turn of this century), it has already had a dramatic impact on human scientific endeavour, particularly in biology: compressed data structures are at the heart of all major tools for high-throughput DNA sequence alignment, a fundamental task in the study of disease, evolution, and agriculture.

Last updated on 6 Oct 2014 by Simon Puglisi - Page created on 6 Oct 2014 by Simon Puglisi