Live participation

Live participation refers to computer-mediated communication where the communication tool is used to support (an episodic) interaction between the performers and the audience.

Related terms

  • backchannel
  • live tweeting
  • audience response systems

Published work on live participation

Work in progress papers on live participation

  • Emerging norms in co-located chats
  • Teacher attitudes and behaviors in live participation
  • Anonymity and identity management in live participation
  • Metagroups and live participation in groupwork

Future planned activites around live participation

  • Gamification & playification
  • Reputation systems
  • Multimodal input and output
  • Human computing


Kai Kuikkaniemi (

Matti Nelimarkka (

Last updated on 3 Nov 2014 by Matti Nelimarkka - Page created on 31 Oct 2014 by Matti Nelimarkka