HIIT and HSL finalize a large-scale trial on urban mobility

Thu, 04.12.2014

HIIT / University of Helsinki and Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) collaborated in a large-scale trial in October 2014. More than 400 volunteers participated in testing next-generation journey planning tools at Helsinki metropolitan area. These tools included mobile and web-based applications for fully multi-modal journey planning (public, private, and shared transportation modes) with additional features such as gamification to encourage more eco-friendly mobility. As key results, people welcomed the concept of a versatile multi-modal journey planner and were especially keen on comparing different route options in terms of emissions and calorie consumption.

The trial marks successful completion of the SUPERHUB research project (FP7-ICT-2011-7, no. 289067) in which 20 partner organizations collaborated for three years to develop tools to foster sustainable urban mobility. In parallel to the Helsinki trials, similar trials with the same applications were organized in Milan and Barcelona. The total number of trial participants in the three cities exceeded 2000 people, and the system had approx. 4000 registered users by the end of November with nearly 500 daily users making more than 700 journey plans every day. This indicates growing interest towards the platform also outside the research scope of the project.

For more details see the project website at http://superhub-project.eu or contact Dr. Antti Jylhä, antti.jylha (at) helsinki.fi

Last updated on 15 Dec 2014 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 4 Dec 2014 by Antti Jylhä