Japanese Researchers visit Genome Scale Algorithmics

Thu, 26.02.2015

The start of 2015 sees a flurry of visits from prominent Japanese researchers to the Genome Scale Algorithmics group (a division of HIIT's Algorithmic Data Analysis subprogramme).

On Monday, 2 March, Prof. Hideo Bannai (leftmost in image) of Kyushu University will begin a 12 day visit to work on algorithms and data structures for compression and string processing. He will be giving a talk covering aspects of these topics on Wednesday, 11 March at University of Helsinki's Kumpula Kampus (room B222, Exactum building).
Professor Bannai's stay follows visits in January from Shiho Sugimoto (center, also of Kyushu University) and Yasuo Tabei (right, of Tokyo Institute of Technology).
These visits continue to strengthen ties between GSA-based researchers and Japanese groups.
In 2014 a visit by Alexander Bowe (PhD student of Prof. Kunihiko Sadakane, at the University of Tokyo) resulted in the first compressed representation for multiple de Bruijn graphs --- a key data structure in modern genome assembly algorithms. This work is to be presented in April at the Data Compression Conference, and has already been covered in the influential bioinformatics blog Homolog.us.
Before his visit last month, Dr. Tabei had already visited Helsinki three times in 2014. His collaboration with HIIT researchers Simon J. Puglisi, Travis Gagie, Djamal Belazzougui, and Juha Kärkkäinen, have progressed several frontiers in compressed data structures research. The first of these results, on Lempel-Ziv compressed data structures, will appear at DCC 2015, and four further articles are in preparation for submission in 2015.

Last updated on 27 Feb 2015 by Simon Puglisi - Page created on 26 Feb 2015 by Simon Puglisi