19.6.2007: Prof. Murray-Smith: Models of continuous uncertain interaction

Tue, 19.06.2007


Prof. Roderick Murray-Smith
Department of Computing Science, Glasgow University, Scotland
& Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Time and place: 16.15, HIIT, TKK Otaniemi campus, Spektri Pilotti, Tellus 1 & 2

Directions: www.spektri.fi/english/sijainti.php

I will develop models of interaction which can cope with continuous uncertain inputs, and can be coupled with uncertain inference mechanisms. I will argue the case for a control theoretical perspective in analysis of human-computer interaction. I will look at the consequences of allowing feedback to the user to be uncertain and multimodal, and will give some examples of systems developed using these principles, including mobile applications, location-aware interaction and Brain-Computer interaction. I will propose some novel measures of 'Interaction' in HCI contexts.

Some videos and relevant publications can be seen in advance at:
Prof. Murray-Smith works in the overlap between machine learning, interaction design and control theory. He has a joint appointment at Glasgow University and the Hamilton Institute, where he runs the "Dynamics and Interaction" research group. Prior to this he has held positions at the Technical University of Denmark, M.I.T., and Daimler-Benz Research.

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