TEKES funds Mobile City Moments project

Fri, 29.06.2007

29 June 2007 - TEKES has awarded 2,5 year funding for the CELTIC project Mobile City Moments (MCM). The project will study new mobile services enabled by positioning, group communication, context sensitivity, presence data, and machine-readable tags. It draws inspiration from "Web 2.0" technologies and mash-ups, aiming to identify essential customer values and business model elements driving viable services. The project will carry out user research and show prototypes in three European cities: Helsinki, Stockholm, and Barcelona. The international consortium is led by Stockholm School of Economics. The other Finnish partners are Idean Research, Sendandsee, and TeliaSonera. For more information, please contact Dr. Giulio Jacucci or Dr. Risto Sarvas.

Last updated on 22 Feb 2010 by WWW administrator - Page created on 29 Jun 2007 by Martti Mäntylä