12.9.2007 Special Guest Lecture by Phokion G. Kolaitis

 Special Guest Lecture by Phokion G. Kolaitis

(IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA)

      on Wednesday 12th September at 14:15
                 Exactum, room C222

Title:  Schema mappings and data exchange

Schema mappings are high-level specifications that describe the
relationship between  database schemas. Schema mappings are prominent
in several different areas of database management, including database
design, information integration, data exchange, metadata management,
and peer-to-peer data management systems.
The main aim of this talk  is to present an overview of recent advances
in schema mappings,  data exchange, and metadata management, where the
schema mappings are  between relational schemas. In addition, we
highlight some research issues and directions for future work.

Last updated on 11 Sep 2007 by Teija Kujala - Page created on 12 Sep 2007 by Teija Kujala