Infrastructure for HIP – InfraHIP

The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and the related architecture form a proposal to change the TCP/IP stack to better support mobility and multi-homing. Additionally, they provide for enhanced security and privacy and advanced network concepts, such as moving networks and mobile ad hoc networks. The InfraHIP project studies application-related aspects of HIP, including APIs, rendezvous service, operating system security, multiple end-points within a single host, process migration, and issues related to enterprise-level solutions. Through this, the project maintains HIIT (and thereby Finland) as one of the leading research centres doing HIP related work. "Infra" in the project name stands for Infrastructure. As the basic HIP protocol is almost ready, the project focuses on developing the missing infrastructure pieces such as DNS, NAT, and firewall support to enable a widespread deployment of HIP.

Teemu Koponen and Andrei Gurtov visited ICSI at Berkeley during summer 2005 for 3 and 2 months respectively. Additionally, a collaboration visit to Tsinghua University was made by Martti Mäntylä and Andrei Gurtov. A summer intern Abhinav Pathak from IIT Kanpur/India worked in the project for 3 months. Tobias Heer has joined the group from Tubingen University to make his Master's thesis. At TML, Essi Vehmersalo and Niklass Karlsson finished their Master's theses in the project and moved to the industry; Laura Takkinen came to the project to finalize her Master's thesis and continue with post-graduate studies.


  • Martti Mäntylä, project leader
  • Andrei Gurtov
  • Diego Beltrami
  • Tobias Heer
  • Miika Komu
  • Teemu Koponen
  • Dmitry Korzun
  • Pathak Abhinav

Research groups

See and for further information and publications.

Last updated on 6 Feb 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 13 Jan 2007 by Webmaster