Academy of Finland funds AMOVEO project

Tue, 18.09.2007

18 Sep 2007 - Academy of Finland has granted four-year funding for the project AMOVEO: Work Practises and the Transition to Ubicomp for a consortium involving the HIIT UIx research group and VTT Systems Usability group. The goals of the project are 1) to study the transition of work practices in the face of ubiquitous computing automatization in three cases, 2) to describe social and human principles characterizing these new practices and 3) to inform the design of technology, instruction and training, and the organization of work environments. Methodologically it will be based on cross-disciplinary analysis of human practices combining psychological and ethnomethodological orientations with a technology construction goal. Apart from scientific contributions, the planned results include descriptions of new work practices, conceptual elaborations of the notion of practice, and implications to the design and organization of ubicomp-oriented work. The responsible leader is Dr. Giulio Jacucci.

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