Risto Sarvas, publications

Photo Sharing and Organization


Ren, K., Sarvas, R., Ćalić, J.
Interactive search and browsing interface for large-scale visual repositories.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (online), Springer 2010.

Ren, K., Sarvas, R., and Ćalić, J.
FreeEye: intuitive summarisation of photo collections.
In Proceedings of the Seventeen ACM international Conference on Multimedia (Beijing, China, October 19 - 24, 2009). MM '09. ACM, New York, NY, 1127-1128. 

Sarvas, R.
Metatietoa näppäilykuviin
Tietojenkäsittelytiede, numero 28, joulukuu 2008. PDF

Lehmuskallio, A., Sarvas, R.
Snapshot Video: Everyday Photographers Taking Short Video-Clips
NordiCHI 2008. PDF

Sarvas, R., Lehmuskallio, A., Lehtinen, V., Näsänen, J., and Vihavainen, S.
Snapshot Media: "Kodak Culture" in the 21st Century,
CHI 2008 workshop on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos. PDF

Sarvas, R.
Designing User-Centric Metadata for Digital Snapshot Photography
Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, 2006. PDF

Sarvas, R. and Vihavainen, S.
A Holistic View on Future Snapshot Media
Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing Workshop (PICS2006) at UbiComp 2006. PDF

Sarvas, R.
Online Media Sharing for the Elderly
Workshop on Future Networked Interactive Media Systems and Services for the New-Senior Communities at UbiComp 2006. PDF

Sarvas, R.
User-centric Metadata for Mobile Photos
Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing Workshop (PICS2005) at Ubicomp 2005. PDF

Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., Salovaara, A., Sarvas, R.
Supporting the Co-Experience of Spectators through Mobile Group Media
Group 2005, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA

Sarvas, R., Oulasvirta, A., and Jacucci, G.
Building Social Discourse Around Mobile Photos – A Systemic Perspective
MobileHCI 2005, Salzburg, Austria. PDF

Sarvas, R., Viikari, M., Pesonen, J., and Nevanlinna, H.
MobShare: Controlled and Immediate Sharing of Mobile Images,
Multimedia 2004, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press 2004. PDF

Sarvas, R.
Media Content Metadata and Mobile Picture Sharing,
Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2004, September 1-3, Vantaa, Finland. PDF

MobShare poster. PDF

MobShare system has been commercialized by Futurice:

Social Media & Online Social Interaction 

Vihavainen, S., Oulasvirta, A., Sarvas, R.
“I Can’t Lie Anymore!”: The Implications of Location Automation for Mobile Social Applications
MobiQuitous 2009, Toronto, Canada. (forthcoming 2009).

Lehtinen, V., Näsänen, J., Sarvas, R.
“A Little Bit Foolish and Light-Headed” – Older Adults’ Understandings of Social Networking Sites
The 23rd BCS conference on Human Computer Interaction 2009, Cambridge, UK (forthcoming 2009).


Cross/Hybrid Media

Sarvas, R., Mäntylä, M., and Turpeinen, M.
Human-Centric Design of Future Print Media,
PulPaper 2007, Helsinki, Finland.

Vihavainen, S., Sarvas, R., Näsänen, J., Grenman, K. User-Centric Approach for Designing Cross Media Applications in Personal Photography, in the Proceedings of 34th International Research Conference of IARIGAI, Grenoble, France 2007.

Mobile Media Metadata (MMM)

Davis, M. King, S., Good, N. and Sarvas, R.
From Context to Content: Leveraging Context to Infer Media Metadata.
Multimedia 2004, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press 2004. PDF

Sarvas, R., Herrarte, E., Wilhelm, A., and Davis, M..
Metadata Creation System for Mobile Images
MobiSys 2004, Boston, MA, USA. ACM Press. PDF
(see also video by Garage Cinema AVI)

Davis, M., Good, N., and Sarvas, R.
From Context to Content: Leveraging Context for Mobile Media Metadata
Workshop on Context Awareness at MobiSys 2004, Boston, MA, USA. PDF

Wilhelm, A., Takhteyev, Y., Sarvas, Van House, N, and Davis, M.
Photo Annotation on a Camera Phone,
CHI 2004, Wien, Austria. ACM Press. PDF

Davis, M. and Sarvas, R.
Mobile Media Metadata for Mobile Imaging
ICME 2004 Special Session on Mobile Imaging, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004. PDF

DiMaS & Content Communities

Bäck, A., Vainikainen, S., Näkki, P., Reti, T., Sarvas, R., Seppälä, L., Turpeinen, M., and Hietanen, H.
Semantically supported media services with user participation
VTT Publications 612, 2006.

Sarvas, R., Turpeinen, M., Hietanen, H., Virtanen, P., Herrera, F.
Legal and Organizational Issues in Collaborative User-Created Content
Short Paper Presentation at DiGRA 2005, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005). PDF

Turpeinen, M., Sarvas, R., Herrera, F.
It is a phone not a console!
GDC Mobile White Paper, Game Developers Conference 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA. PDF

Reti, T., Sarvas, R.
DiMaS: Managing Multiple Descriptions and Rights on P2P Networks
Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications (DRM CCNC'05), Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2005. PDF

DiMaS wins the title The Best e-Business application in Finland and the nomination to represent Finland in World Summit Award 2005. Read more (in Finnish).

Reti, T., and Sarvas, R.,
The DiMaS System for Authoring Communities,
Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2004, September 1-3, Vantaa, Finland. PDF

Reti, T. and Sarvas, R.
DiMaS: Distributing Multimedia on Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Networks (demo),
Multimedia 2004, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press 2004. PDF

Sarvas, R., Turpeinen, M., and Jokela, S. (editors)
New Business in Computer-Mediated Communities
HUT Software Business and Engineering Institute Technical Reports, HUT-SoberIT-C7, 2004. PDF

 Public & Popular Media

Yhteisöpalveluiden pitää herättää luottamusta
Tietosuoja, 4/2007

Apu, 43/2007

Kuvien jakaminen verkossa vaatii valppautta
Ilkka, 30.7.2007

Sarvas: suomalaiset taitavat näppäilykuvauksen
IT-viikko.fi, 6.6.2007
Digitoday.fi, 7.6.2007

Oheistieto täydentää digikuvaa
Maatilan Pellervo, 1/2007

Metadata järjestää kuvakaaoksen,
MikroPC, 15/2006

Risto Sarvaksen digikuvat pysyvät järjestyksessä
Länsiväylä, 13.12.2006

Metatietoa näppäilykuviin
IT-viikko.fi, 4.12.2006
Digitoday.fi, 4.12.2006

A Picture Says It All - The Immortalidad Project,
Link 3/2006

Mobile Photos, To Be Shared,
Polysteekki 4/2005.

Last updated on 21 Mar 2011 by Risto Sarvas - Page created on 30 Nov 2007 by Risto Sarvas