HIIT coordinates OtaSizzle project in the MIDE programme

Mon, 04.02.2008

4 Feb 2008 - In association of its 100-year anniversary, TKK launches a new research programme coordinated by the Multidisciplinary Institute for Digital Engineering (MIDE) and funded by donations from industry. The OtaSizzle project, coordinated by HIIT, is one of the six projects included in the programme. The project also includes research teams from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and from the Department of Communications and Networking.

The objective of the project is to create experimental facilities for developing and studying innovative mobile social media applications in the Otaniemi area. We aim especially to reach larger user communities for test periods longer than typically possible in regular projects. This requires a scalable experimental platform instrumented for collecting experimental data for multidisciplinary research of mobile service innovations.

On the basis of sufficiently large and extensive field tests, coupled with quantitative measurements of actual service use, we plan to study key service features contributing to service adoption, diffusion and use, including the following themes:

  • The impact of social networks for service diffusion and use and on user experience and social impact of services in general
  • The role of user innovations and emergent everyday practices in adapting services for novel and unforeseen uses
  • Incentives of various stakeholders in service provision and in general the digital service economy and local service ecosystems
  • Privacy and trust of mobile social media services and security issues in general
  • Scalability issues of the technical service platform, especially emergent bottlenecks

Qualitatively, the objective is to provide users a vibrant and real-time picture of what is presently happening in the surrounding physical area; what friends and buddies are doing; what interesting contents and services are available. In short, what's sizzling in Otaniemi.

For more information, contact project leader Prof. Martti Mäntylä or project manager Dr. Olli Pitkänen.


Last updated on 22 Feb 2010 by WWW administrator - Page created on 4 Feb 2008 by Martti Mäntylä