18 Apr 08: CHIMe workshop

CHIMe - Workshop on Psychological and experiential perspectives on mobile and ubiquitous computing 18.4.2008

Participants: and Ubiquitous Interaction (UIx) of HIIT, Finland, Communication between Humans and Interactive Media (CHIMe) Lab of Stanford University

Place: Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA

Schedule and program:

Speakers on behalf of CHIMe:

    TBA, " I will have about 12-15 students coming, all of whom are doing working in mobile. "


12:00 Introductions, 15-20 min (moderator leading discussion)
-Chime, 3 min (what kind of research is conducted, what are the key phenomena studied, what kind of questions are typically asked in research, what are the key methods etc.)

-HIIT, 3 min

-people 1 minute each

2. Presentations, 80 min (moderator leading discussion)

-4 presentations from HIIT, a 7 min with questions 3 min = 40 min (see our topic areas on the web page)

-4 presentations from Chime, a 7 min with questions 3 min = 40 min (you can pick your topic areas that you think would fit the workshop, perhaps around psychological issues of mobile and ubiquitous computing?)

-presentations are free format, one can talk or show slides, in a very compressed, straight to the point- style to communicate essential points and facilitate discussion, no extensive backgrounders but interesting questions one is asking and answering in one´s research, of course, questions could be at any level from micro to macro, not to outrule theoretical discussions if any should arise

-audience questions also to the point, essential aspects only, keep it short but high impact

3. Concluding, 15 min (Timo Saari, Clifford Nass leading discussion)
-discussing commonalities and differences, representatives of both institutes and people in the room


-discussing possible collaboration interests

This leads to a schedule of about 115 min, i.e. about two hours

Speakers on behalf of UIx:

    Antti Oulasvirta: Fragmentation of attention in mobile interaction
    Antti Lindqvist: CiFE: Experiencing non-present others in an augmented communication system
    Giulio Jacucci: Ubiquitous Media for performative interaction and collective experiences
    Timo Saari: Emotions in mobile interaction. How to design for "good" emotional experiences


Last updated on 25 Apr 2008 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 18 Apr 2008 by Lassi Liikkanen