1.5.2008 Citywall paper honored as being part of the "Best of CHI 2008".

Mon, 07.04.2008

The CHI 2008 paper of uix "It's Mine, Don't Touch!": Interactions at a Large Multitouch Display.." is being honored as being part of the "Best of CHI". http://www.chi2008.org The SIGCHI “Best of CHI” program recognizes outstanding work in the field of human-computer interaction by selecting and honoring exceptional submissions. The Papers and Notes committees took part in this program, nominating up to 5% of their submissions as Award Nominees. The result was 30 Paper nominees and 3 Note nominees deemed to make an especially noteworthy contribution to human-computer interaction research. A separate awards committee then chose a select group of these submissions — no more than 1% of the total submissions — to receive a “Best Paper” or “Best Note” designation. The uix paper is one of the 23 Honorable Mention papers that resulted from this process. It is shown in the program and proceedings with a quill icon, to call attendees' and future readers' attention to it.

Last updated on 29 Sep 2008 by Antti Oulasvirta - Page created on 7 Apr 2008 by Giulio Jacucci